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The Friends of Eddie Coyle (1973, Peter Yates)
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Nov 17, 2017
The Friends of Eddie Coyle is an amusing, intentionally misleading title. Eddie Coyle (Robert Mitchum) doesn’t have any friends. He has various criminal contacts he sees on a regular basis, but he doesn’t consider any of them friends. Mitchum’s a down-on-luck small-time crook who’s about to read more

John and Mary (1969, Peter Yates)
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Jul 21, 2017
Dustin Hoffman and Mia Farrow are John and Mary, respectively, and they’ve just woken up after spending the night together. They met at a singles bar. Is it going to be a one night stand or is it going to be something more? Both come with some baggage, though of different varieties. Farrow’s last read more

The Friends of Eddie Coyle, 1973, Peter Yates
Criterion Blues Posted by Aaron West on May 20, 2015
May 20 Posted by aaronwest The Story of Eddie Coyle is a rough edged movie with stern and serious characters that are either acting out of desperation or opportunism, all the while taking advantage of everyone that gets in their way. Everyone has an agenda, and much of the movie is them taking slig read more

The Friends of Eddie Coyle, 1973, Peter Yates
Criterion Blues Posted by Aaron West on May 20, 2015
May 20 Posted by aaronwest The Story of Eddie Coyle is a rough edged movie with stern and serious characters that are either acting out of desperation or opportunism, all the while taking advantage of everyone that gets in their way. Everyone has an agenda, and much of the movie is them taking slig read more

The Friends of Eddie Coyle, 1973, Peter Yates
Criterion Blues Posted by Aaron West on May 20, 2015
May 20 Posted by aaronwest The Story of Eddie Coyle is a rough edged movie with stern and serious characters that are either acting out of desperation or opportunism, all the while taking advantage of everyone that gets in their way. Everyone has an agenda, and much of the movie is them taking slig read more

Breaking Away (1979, Peter Yates)
The Stop Button Posted by on Feb 21, 2013
For a “traditional” underdog story, Breaking Away is exceeding complex. It opens with Dennis Christopher, Dennis Quaid, Daniel Stern and Jackie Earle Haley; neither Steve Tesich’s script nor Yates’s direction emphasizes any over another. Actually, Quaid’s loudmouth get read more

Krull (1983, Peter Yates)
The Stop Button Posted by on Apr 2, 2012
From the director of Breaking Away and one of the many fine writers of the Adam West “Batman” TV show…. Krull is just as unwatchable now as it was the last time I tried to watch it, some eleven years ago. As a kid—assuming kids are the best audience for the film—Krull never registered as something read more

The Deep (1977, Peter Yates)
The Stop Button Posted by on Sep 3, 2009
I’m a little surprised Donna Summer did the theme song for The Deep, seeing as how she’s black and, according to The Deep, every black person is a villain of some kind or another. Even with his blond locks, I’ve never thought of Nick Nolte as particularly aryan (maybe because his read more