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Charge of the Lancers (1954) with Paulette Goddard and Jean-Pierre Aumont
Classic Film Freak Posted by Orson De Welles on Sep 1, 2016
Share This! “CHARGE FOR THE GUNS!” In what may be one of the poorest films ever to be highlighted here, we’ll today take a look at 1954’s Charge of the Lancers, starring Paulette Goddard and Jean-Pierre Aumont. Directed by William Castle a few years before his most popular read more

CineMaven's Essays from the Couch Posted by Theresa Brown on Jun 3, 2015
She wasn’t a dramatic actress, but she could do drama. She wasn’t a comedic actress, but she could handle comedy. Her name seems to have fallen in between the cracks when one talks about the Lombards and Harlows, Stanwycks and Davises, Hepburns and Russells. She was regular. She was Paulette Goddard read more

The Best Films of Paulette Goddard
4 Star Films Posted by 4 Star Film Fan on Jul 31, 2014
1. Modern Times
2. The Great Dictator
3. Hold Back The Dawn
4. The Women
5. So Proudly We Hail
6. The Ghost Breakers
7. The Cat and the Canary
8. The Young in Heart read more

The Best Films of Paulette Goddard
4 Star Films Posted by 4 Star Film Fan on Jul 31, 2014
1. Modern Times
2. The Great Dictator
3. Hold Back The Dawn
4. The Women
5. So Proudly We Hail
6. The Ghost Breakers
7. The Cat and the Canary
8. The Young in Heart read more

Birthday of the Week: Paulette Goddard
Mildred's Fatburgers Posted by Beth Daniels on Jun 4, 2014
Born Pauline Marion Goddard Levy, or a disputed combination thereof. June 3, 1910 - April 23, 1990 The Only General Biography Paulette: The Adventurous Life of Paulette GoddardBy Joe Morella and Edward Z. Epstein, St. Martin's Press, 1985 A Sweet and Savory Dish I'm read more

“Opostos que se atraem: as vidas de Erich Maria Remarque e Paulette Goddard”, de Julie Gilbert
Critica Retro Posted by Lê on Feb 22, 2014
“Opostos que se atraem: as vidas de Erich Maria Remarque e Paulette Goddard”, de Julie Gilbert
Quando comecei a ler o livro “Opostos que se atraem: as vidas de Erich
Maria Remarque e Paulette Goddard”, de Julie Gilbert, confesso que estava mais
interessada na estrela d read more

“Opostos que se atraem: as vidas de Erich Maria Remarque e Paulette Goddard”, de Julie Gilbert
Critica Retro Posted by Lê on Feb 22, 2014
“Opostos que se atraem: as vidas de Erich Maria Remarque e Paulette Goddard”, de Julie Gilbert
Quando comecei a ler o livro “Opostos que se atraem: as vidas de Erich
Maria Remarque e Paulette Goddard”, de Julie Gilbert, confesso que estava mais
interessada na estrela d read more

Paulette Goddard – A Pictorial (1)
Classic Cinema Gold Posted by Art on Jun 3, 2013
“I am not temperamental. I just know what I want and if I don’t have it, I try to get it.” ~ Paulette Goddard
“Nobody onscreen fascinates me as much as Paulette Goddard. I’m probably her greatest fan , bar none. I see my own pictures six or seven t read more

HOLIDAY CHEER - Paulette Goddard
All Good Things Posted by monty on Dec 25, 2012
Paulette on Christmas morning read more

Reconsidering: Paulette Goddard
A Person in the Dark Posted by FlickChick on Mar 4, 2012
I've had to change my mind about quite a few performers as I get smarter (notice I didn't say "older"?). Stars or films that left me cold when I was dumber (read "younger"), now are more intriguing to me. In fact, some are downright fascinating.The lovely Paulette Goddard is one of those stars. Ther read more

Paulette Goddard.
Noir and Chick Flicks Posted by Dawn on Aug 2, 2011
Paulette Goddard (June 3, 1910 – April 23, 1990), was a film and theatre actress. She started out as a child fashion model and in several Broadway productions as a Ziegfeld Girl and she became a major star for Paramount Studio's in the 1940s. She was married several times, her husbands were: read more

“Unconquered” – Gary Cooper and Paulette Goddard
Classic Cinema Gold Posted by Art on Jun 28, 2011
(original movie ad for “Unconquered”)
Gary Cooper and Paulette Goddard – “Unconquered” (1947)
“Unconquered” (1947 – Paramount) is an adventure film produced and directed by the read more

Paulette Goddard
Classic Cinema Gold Posted by Art on Jun 13, 2011
“I lived in Hollywood long enough to learn to play tennis and become a star, but I never felt it was my home.” ~ Paulette Goddard Paulette Goddard was an American film and theatre actress. A former child fashion model, she appeared in several Broadway productions as a Ziegfeld Girl, an read more

Great On Screen Couples: Bob Hope & Paulette Goddard
Noir and Chick Flicks Posted by monty on Feb 4, 2011
"Old Ski Nose" Bob Hope has starred with many of Hollywood's most fetching beauties in his hilarious comedies: Dorothy Lamour, Virgina Mayo, Lucille Ball, Hedy Lamarr, Jane Russell and Paulette Goddard. I personally think Paulette was his best on screen partner, no offense Bing. But Bob and Paulett read more

Happy Birthday Paulette Goddard
Noir and Chick Flicks Posted by monty on Jun 3, 2010
Happy Birthday to the insanely talented Paulette Goddard
various Photos read more

Paulette Goddard
Noir and Chick Flicks Posted by Dawn on Jun 3, 2010
Paulette Goddard, was A former child fashion model and in several Broadway productions as Ziegfeld Girl, she was a big star in the 1940s. She was married to Charlie Chaplin, Burgess Meredith and Erich Maria Remarque. Goddard was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her per read more

Monday Serenade: Paulette Goddard and Jimmy Stewart
Classic Movies Posted by KC on Jun 22, 2009
This peppy little version of Pete the Piper Man is from Pot o' Gold (1941), starring Paulette Goddard and Jimmy Stewart. I haven't been able to confirm that Stewart actually played the harmonica, but that is definitely Goddard singing.You can download Pot 'o Gold at the Internet Archive. read more

“Opostos que se atraem: as vidas de Erich Maria Remarque e Paulette Goddard”, de Julie Gilbert
Critica Retro Posted by Lê on Nov 30, -0001
“Opostos que se atraem: as vidas de Erich Maria Remarque e Paulette Goddard”, de Julie Gilbert
Quando comecei a ler o livro “Opostos que se atraem: as vidas de Erich
Maria Remarque e Paulette Goddard”, de Julie Gilbert, confesso que estava mais
interessada na estrela d read more