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Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941, William Witney and John English)
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Nov 26, 2017
About seventy percent of Adventures of Captain Marvel is narratively useless. Nothing occurring in chapters two through ten has an effect on how the story actually turns out. The serial has a great first chapter involving a tomb robbing archeological expedition in Thailand. Radio journalist Frank C read more

Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941, John English and William Witney), Chapter 12: Captain Marvel’s Secret
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Nov 22, 2017
Captain Marvel’s Secret opens with yet another lackluster cliffhanger resolve. No reason to change it up at the end, apparently. The chapter has a lot to do in sixteen minutes. It’s got to reveal the evil Scorpion’s identity, stop the Scorpion’s evil plan, and maybe do something regarding Frank read more

Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941, John English and William Witney), Chapter 11:
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Nov 21, 2017
Valley of Death is the penultimate chapter of Adventures of Captain Marvel. It’s in a rush to finish. The cliffhanger resolution is boring, though leads to some decent effects shots. The cast ends up in a hotel somewhere, planning to return to Thailand and the tombs from the first chapter. Villain read more

Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941, John English and William Witney), Chapter 10: Doom Ship
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Nov 20, 2017
There’s nothing nice to say about Doom Ship’s opening cliffhanger resolution other than it’s short and leads into an energetic fight scene for Frank Coghlan Jr. More than ever, Coghlan’s got the wrong timing for turning into Tom Tyler’s Captain Marvel this chapter. Unlike the times when Coghlan’s read more

Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941, John English and William Witney), Chapter 9: Dead Man’s Trap
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Nov 19, 2017
Dead Man’s Trap is, I guess, a bridging chapter. It depends on what’s next. Otherwise it’s a treading water chapter. It picks up from the previous chapter’s “cliffhanger” (quotations because it’s more of a “beware the cliff 150 meters away” than anything else) and gives George Pembroke read more

Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941, John English and William Witney), Chapter 8: Boomerang
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Nov 18, 2017
Boomerang is the best chapter of Captain Marvel yet. Not because of Captain Marvel action–there’s some, but it’s perfunctory–rather it’s the plotting. Boomerang springboards off something in the previous chapter (unrelated to the cliffhanger), sort of narratively hopping over something. That read more

Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941, John English and William Witney), Chapter 7: Human Targets
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Nov 17, 2017
Starting Human Targets, I couldn’t remember what cliffhanger needed to be resolved. It’s not a good one. More of the “Tom Tyler is bad at being a superhero” same. Once it gets resolved, with William ‘Billy’ Benedict shooting the breeze with Tyler and asking zero questions about why Tyler’s read more

Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941, John English and William Witney), Chapter 6: Lens of Death
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Nov 16, 2017
Lens of Death has great fistfight in the middle. Sadly, it’s not Captain Marvel fighting, but this guy’s butler. The place is being robbed and the butler takes on the two crooks and keeps them busy until Captain Marvel does arrive. There’s no great fight scene Captain Marvel Tom Tyler, though read more

Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941, John English and William Witney), Chapter 5: The Scorpion Strikes
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Nov 15, 2017
The cliffhanger resolution at the beginning of The Scorpion Strikes quickly gives way to a fine Captain Marvel action sequence. Tom Tyler gets lots of dialogue as he threatens punks; he even throws one off a building. He captures the last thug left ambulatory and takes him in for questioning. Only read more

Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941, John English and William Witney), Chapter 4: Death Takes the Wheel
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Nov 14, 2017
Death Takes the Wheel sadly does not have a Death character driving. It does have a lazy cliffhanger resolution at the open, which will probably echo in the next chapter’s cliffhanger resolution too. The screenwriters have established their cliffhanger resolution pattern. It’s not a good one, that read more

Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941, John English and William Witney), Chapter 3: Time Bomb
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Nov 13, 2017
A couple things in Time Bomb stand out. First, there’s how no one seems to care about how the opening cliffhanger resolves. Not for Captain Marvel (Tom Tyler), but for the expedition member being held hostage. It’s not clear anyone even knows about it after its happened. So, not a good thing, a read more

Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941, John English and William Witney), Chapter 2: The Guillotine
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Nov 12, 2017
The Guillotine does not open with a satisfying cliffhanger resolution. It’s only Captain Marvel’s second chapter, which probably ought to have a satisfying cliffhanger resolution; it’s mildly concerning it does not. After that lackluster resolution, the story moves back to the United States. Turns read more

Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941, John English and William Witney)
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Nov 11, 2017
Adventures of Captain Marvel has a lot of action in its first chapter. Setting up the ground situation is even action. There’s an expedition to Thailand and, although they have permits with the occupying British forces, the native people aren’t thrilled with the expedition coming in to tomb rob. read more