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Joan Fontaine and Orson Welles star in “Jane Eyre”: The Ultimate Gothic Romance
Classic Movie Man Posted by Stephen Reginald on Jul 30, 2024
Joan Fontaine and Orson Welles star in “Jane Eyre”: The Ultimate Gothic Romance
Jane Eyre (1943) is a gothic romance directed by Robert Stevenson and starring Orson Welles and Joan Fontaine. Based on the classic novel by Charlotte Bronte, the screenplay was written by John Hous read more

Joan Fontaine, Ida Lupino, and Edmond O’Brien as “The Bigamist”
Classic Movie Man Posted by Stephen Reginald on Jan 24, 2024
Joan Fontaine, Ida Lupino, and Edmond O’Brien as “The Bigamist”
The Bigamist
(1953) is an American drama film directed by Ida Lupino and starring Joan
Fontaine, Ida Lupino, Edmund Gwenn, and Edmond O’Brien. The cinematography was
by George E. Diskant (They Live by Night) read more

Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine live in the shadow of “Rebecca”
Classic Movie Man Posted by Stephen Reginald on Oct 16, 2023
Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine live in the shadow of “Rebecca”
Rebecca (1940) is an American romantic thriller directed by Alfred Hitchcock—in his American directorial debut—and starring Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine. The screenplay was written by Robert E read more

"Suspicion" comes between Cary Grant and Joan Fontaine
Classic Movie Man Posted by Stephen Reginald on Mar 31, 2021
"Suspicion" comes between Cary Grant and Joan Fontaine
Suspicion (1941) is a psychological romance directed by Alfred Hitchcock and starring Cary Grant and Joan Fontaine. The screenplay was written by Samson Raphaelson, Joan Harrison, and Alma Reville (Mrs. Alfred Hitchcock). The movie was read more

“Rebecca” casts a long shadow over Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine
Classic Movie Man Posted by Stephen Reginald on Feb 25, 2021
“Rebecca” casts a long shadow over Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine
Rebecca (1940) is an American romantic thriller directed by Alfred Hitchcock—in his American directorial debut—and starring Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine. The screenplay was written by Robert E. read more

Joan Fontaine and Louis Jordan in “Letter from an Unknown Woman”
Classic Movie Man Posted by Stephen Reginald on Feb 6, 2021
Joan Fontaine and Louis Jordan in “Letter from an Unknown Woman”
Letter from an Unknown Woman (1948) is an American drama directed by Max Ophuls and starring Joan Fontaine and Louis Jordan. The movie is based on the novella of the same name by Stefan Zweig.Joan Fontaine (Lisa) and L read more

Joan Fontaine and Orson Welles star in “Jane Eyre”
Classic Movie Man Posted by Stephen Reginald on Jan 9, 2021
Joan Fontaine and Orson Welles star in “Jane Eyre”
Jane Eyre (1943) is a gothic romance directed by Robert Stevenson and starring Orson Welles and Joan Fontaine. Based on the classic novel by Charlotte Bronte, the screenplay was written by John Houseman, Aldous Huxley, and Robe read more

Classic Movie Beginner’s Guide: Joan Fontaine
4 Star Films Posted by 4 Star Film Fan on Aug 8, 2020
Although she probably wouldn’t like it one bit, with the recent passing of Olivia de Havilland, it seems necessary to acknowledge her sister and fellow actress Joan Fontaine. Their sibling rivalry became the stuff of legend when they were vying for the same Oscars throughout the 1940s. What Fo read more

Joan Fontaine - A Rising Star
Silver Scenes - A Blog for Classic Film Lovers Posted by The Metzinger Sisters on Nov 11, 2017
JOAN FONTAINE comes close to her famous one-picture-to-stardom Rebecca role in her currently releasing Suspicion with Cary Grant. And so, the great question of whether Miss Fontaine - or Mrs. Brian Aherne, if you prefer - was a flash in the pan is definitely settled. She's not.
She is an read more

A Big Thanks to the Participants of the Joan Fontaine Centenary Blogathon!
The Wonderful World of Cinema Posted by Virginie Pronovost on Oct 25, 2017
As it is said in the title, I’m simply publishing this post to thanks all the participants of the Joan Fontaine Centenary Blogathon for their marvelous pieces about Joan Fontaine’s films and their love and admiration for her. Of course, it also was a pleasure for me to co-host it with C read more

In Honour of Joan Fontaine on her Heavenly Centenary
The Wonderful World of Cinema Posted by Virginie Pronovost on Oct 22, 2017
Do you remember the first time you ever heard about the more than extraordinary Joan Fontaine? I do as if it was yesterday. I was looking at this book called Les Stars de cinema that I had bought for my own curiosity (I was 15 and yet not really familiar with classic movie stars, but I thought the read more

Caftan Woman Posted by on Oct 20, 2017
Crystal of In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood and Virginie of The Wonderful World of Cinema are co-hosting The Joan Fontaine Centenary Blogathon running October 20th to 22nd. Click on either site to access contributions to the blogathon.
Burt Lancaster
Does one rash act define a life o read more

The Joan Fontaine Centenary Blogathon is here!
The Wonderful World of Cinema Posted by Virginie Pronovost on Oct 20, 2017
We are finally going to celebrate what would have been Joan Fontaine’s 100th birthday. This magnificent star was born on October 22, 1917, but, unfortunately, left us in 2013 at the age of 96. I and my friend Crystal from In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood thought it would be a good ide read more

Caftan Woman Posted by on Oct 20, 2017
Crystal of In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood and Virginie of The Wonderful World of Cinema are co-hosting The Joan Fontaine Centenary Blogathon running October 20th to 22nd.
Burt Lancaster
Does one rash act define a life or does a harsh life lived lead to a blur of wrong choices? Bill read more

Announcing the Joan Fontaine Centenary Blogathon!
The Wonderful World of Cinema Posted by Virginie Pronovost on Sep 11, 2017
Recently, my friend Crystal from In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood visited my Facebook group on Joan Fontaine and gave me the excellent idea to host a blogathon in honour of her 100th birthday on October 22, 2017. The idea was definitely an appealing one and I’m glad that Crystal thou read more

From the Archives: Joan Fontaine in Suspicion ( 1941 )
Silver Scenes - A Blog for Classic Film Lovers Posted by The Metzinger Sisters on Apr 24, 2017
Joan Fontaine posing for a quick costume shot during the making of Alfred Hitchcock's Suspicion. Joan always knew how to wear high collars and top-heavy hats like a queen.
From the Archives is our latest series of posts where we share photos from the Silverbanks Pictures collection. Some read more

Top of the World: 10 Joan Fontaine’s Films
The Wonderful World of Cinema Posted by Virginie Pronovost on Oct 24, 2016
Last Saturday, we celebrated what would have been Joan Fontaine’s 99th birthday. Unfortunately, as I was quite busy, I didn’t really have time to do anything to celebrate the event on my blog. Well, I’m back with a top from the top of the world and would like to introduce you my 1 read more

In The Good Old Days Of Classic Hollywood Posted by Crystal Kalyana on Oct 22, 2015
Today marks the 98th anniversary of the birth of Joan Fontaine, the famed actress who is primarily remembered for her indelible performance in the Alfred Hitchcock classic Rebecca, and for being the sister of Olivia De Havilland, one of the last surviving stars from the golden age of Hollywood. Jo read more

A Message for Joan Fontaine
The Wonderful World of Cinema Posted by The Wonderful World of Cinema on Oct 23, 2014
Today, I’m happy to celebrate the 97th birthday of the incredibly talented actress Joan Fontaine As I am a big Hitchcock’s fan, it’s the movies Rebecca (1940) and Suspicion (1941) that made me discover this star. Joan Fontaine is the only actress who ever won an Oscar for an Hitchc read more

Happy birthday Joan Fontaine!
The Wonderful World of Cinema Posted by The Wonderful World of Cinema on Oct 22, 2014
My video tribute to the wonderful Joan Fontaine This is the first October 22 without her… She would have been 97. Happy birthday dearest! :D read more