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Interview with Jeff Rapsis
Buster Keaton and Live Musical Accompaniment at the Somerville Theater
What an excellent opportunity it was to be able to watch 3 more Buster Keaton films (2 shorts and a full-length film) on the big screen with the uber-talented Jeff Rapsis accompanying th read more
O Vilão Ainda a Perseguia (1940): Buster Keaton e a paródia The Villain Still Pursued Her (1940): Buster Keaton and parody Ainda bem que os valores mudam. Na minha opinião, há progreso quando há cada vez menos conservadorismo e condenação dos atos. A sociedade progride quando read more
Buster Keaton e suas casas modernas / Buster Keaton and his modern houses Em sua corajosa autobiografia, “My Wonderful World of Slapstick”, Buster Keaton confessa que, se não fosse ator, ele gostaria de ser engenheiro civil. Ele mostrou criatividade em várias ocasiões em seus read more
A coworker mentioned to me back in May that the Somerville Theater was showcasing a Buster Keaton film festival. I thought she may have confused that with the Charlie Chaplin festival they were having. I put it out of my mind until I saw something in a local town blog about the Somerville Theater sh read more
Camera ManBuster Keaton, The Dawn of Cinema, and the Invention of the 20th Century By Dana StevensAtria BooksHardcover ISBN: 9781501134197432 pagesJanuary 2022Amazon — Barnes and Noble — Powell's“I think I have had the happiest and luckiest of lives. It would be ridiculous of read more
Book review: My Wonderful World of Slapstick, by Buster Keaton Em 1957, um filme chamado “O Palhaço que não Ri” chegou aos cinemas. Era um filminho estranho. Donald O’Connor fazia o papel de Keaton e a produção usa muita licença poética – ou seria cinematográfica? read more