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Frasier (1993) s01e22 – Author, Author

The Stop Button Posted by on May 6, 2020

It’s another great episode. As in, great example of what a multicam sitcom can do. What’s particularly interesting is Author, Author is the first episode credited to writers Don Seigel (not to be confused with Don Siegel, insert Dirty Harry reference here) and Jerry Perzigian. James Burrows directs read more

Dead to Me (2019) s01e03 – It’s All My Fault

The Stop Button Posted by on May 6, 2020

Even more secrets! Not only does Christina Applegate find out something she didn’t know—and not Linda Cardellini’s secret, even though Cardellini puts her secret out into the world in the form of a confession in a balloon—to send up to Heaven to Applegate’s dead husband, along with the family read more

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (2012) s02e05 – Murder à la Mode

The Stop Button Posted by on May 6, 2020

It’s kind of a Dot (Ashleigh Cummings) episode. At least more of a Dot episode than the show’s ever had before. Not only does she get a real subplot with beau Hugo Johnstone-Burt, who’s very taken with the outfits he sees around a fancy dressmaker’s (at least the ones modeled on half-French read more

All Rise (2019) s01e21 – Dancing at Los Angeles

The Stop Button Posted by on May 5, 2020

Dancing at Los Angeles is an admirable effort from “All Rise,” cast and crew, but it’s not a particularly good forty minutes of television. There are a couple big parallels between the episode, a “Coronavirus shelter-at-home” special episode with the cast filming in their homes in character, read more

Ginger Snaps (2000, John Fawcett)

The Stop Button Posted by on May 5, 2020

Ginger Snaps is almost there. Karen Walton’s script is almost there, Fawcett’s direction is almost there, Emily Perkins’s lead performance is almost there, Katharine Isabelle’s is… okay, it’s not almost there by the end, when Isabelle’s acting through latex makeup, but she’s good in read more

Dead to Me (2019) s01e02 – Maybe I’m Crazy

The Stop Button Posted by on May 5, 2020

Oh, the secrets. So many secrets. Linda Cardellini has secrets from Christina Applegate—the scene where Applegate tells Cardellini she’s a saint and Cardellini says something like, “you’ll come to find out I’m the Devil,” is a little too on the nose. But then the show has its secrets too. read more

Frasier (1993) s01e21 – Travels with Martin

The Stop Button Posted by on May 5, 2020

This episode is Linda Morris and Vic Rauseo’s first as the credited writers. Most of the show’s teams as men and women couples; I wonder if it’s intentional or coincidental. But I didn’t catch the writer credits again this time and was curious because Travels With Martin is a quintessential read more

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (2012) s02e04 – Deadweight

The Stop Button Posted by on May 5, 2020

One upbeat (enough) “Miss Fisher’s” was apparently all they could take because this one is a very, very sad one. It’s all about a boxing troupe and the damage done on the community because of it. The community in question is the young poor men who spend their time in street gangs. Constable read more

Rogue One (2016, Gareth Edwards)

The Stop Button Posted by on May 4, 2020

Sadly, the Writers Guild of America does not publish their arbitrations for writing credits, because the one on Rogue One has got to be a doozy; I desperately want to know how they go to this script. Did it actually start as a video game or did director Edwards really have no idea how to do action read more

Frasier (1993) s01e20 – Fortysomething

The Stop Button Posted by on May 4, 2020

I immediately recognized Reba McEntire as the caller this episode, which is strange because I’m pretty sure I based it entirely on who they could be having as a guest in 1994 with an accent like McEntire’s. Though I suppose it’s possible Tremors is burnt deep into the grey matter. McEntire’s read more

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (2012) s02e03 – Dead Man’s Chest

The Stop Button Posted by on May 4, 2020

Last season, “Miss Fisher’s” went out of its way not to have detective Essie Davis happen into mysteries solely because she’s a rich White lady in the 1920s. Though… I mean, it sort of did. But this episode makes no attempt to contrive a reason to get Davis involved in the Julia Blake’s read more

Bad Education (2019, Cory Finley)

The Stop Button Posted by on May 3, 2020

Bad Education is the story of a junior in high school (Geraldine Viswanathan) uncovering the biggest school embezzlement case in United States history, something like $12 million dollars. Only it’s not Viswanathan’s movie. It’s Hugh Jackman’s movie, which makes sense because Hugh Jackman’s read more

The Enforcer (1976, James Fargo)

The Stop Button Posted by on May 2, 2020

The Enforcer is cheap in all the wrong ways, both in terms of budget and narrative, which probably ought to be clear in the first scene, when the movie opens on a butt shot of Jocelyn Jones in Daisy Dukes. She’s hitchhiking but it’s all a setup for the villain reveal—Jones is in an ostensible read more

Dead to Me (2019) s01e01

The Stop Button Posted by on May 1, 2020

The currently strangest thing, one episode into “Dead To Me”—not counting director Amy York Rubin’s pointlessly pensive shot composition, which just distracts in a thirty minute “sitcom”—is how the show handles the humor. Outside the cold open, which has lead Christina Applegate short read more

Clueless (1995, Amy Heckerling)

The Stop Button Posted by on May 1, 2020

I really didn’t want to bag on Clueless when I watched it this time, the first time since the theater, almost twenty-four years ago. It got good reviews on release, which I fully disagreed with—I’d forgotten how much audiences in the eighties and nineties liked farcical sitcom-level characterizatio read more

What We Do in the Shadows (2019) s02e04 – The Curse

The Stop Button Posted by on May 1, 2020

So, remember last time when I was worried about Guillermo (Harvey Guillén) and his subplot with the vampire hunters and then said I shouldn’t be worried about it because I should just trust in “Shadows”? I was right, I shouldn’t be worried about it. This episode’s Guillén subplot has him read more

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (2012) s02e02 – Death Comes Knocking

The Stop Button Posted by on May 1, 2020

If this episode of “Miss Fisher’s” doesn’t have the highest body, it definitely feels like it has the highest. People get killed off throughout the runtime—and before it, actually, in flashback. The episode opens with a séance, which is automatically awesome just thinking about Essie Davis read more

Frasier (1993) s01e19 – Give Him the Chair!

The Stop Button Posted by on Apr 30, 2020

I missed the writing credits at the beginning of the episode, so every time there was a particularly mean joke—usually at Maris’s expense—I got curious who wrote it. Anne Flett-Giordano and Chuck Ranberg, who’ve been the season’s sturdiest writers; outside the cheap mean jokes, they’re also read more

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (2012) s02e01 – Murder Most Scandalous

The Stop Button Posted by on Apr 30, 2020

Season Two starts off with a bunch of flashy character reveals, with finally meeting Nathan Page’s ex-wife (Dee Smart) not even being the main one. Very prim, very proper, very Catholic Ashleigh Cummings’s sister, Anna Bamford, is a sex worker and works in a brothel where one of the girls has just read more

Legends of Tomorrow (2016) s05e10 – The Great British Fake Off

The Stop Button Posted by on Apr 29, 2020

Okay, “Legends” is going to fifteen episodes this season; this one is episode ten and it feels like they’re getting really close to resolving the season’s main plot and I’m really hoping they don’t meander this season like they did last. They got lost meandering. This episode is split between read more
