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Dirty Computer (2018, Alan Ferguson, Emma Westenberg, Andrew Donoho, Lacey Duke, and Chuck Lightning)
The Stop Button Posted by on May 2, 2019
Dirty Computer is hard to explain. It’s fairly easy to describe—it’s a fifty-six minute short film (or “emotion picture” as creator Janelle Monáe describes it) compilation of Monáe’s music videos for her Dirty Computer album. There’s bridging footage to contextualize the videos. It’s read more

One Hundred a Day (1973, Gillian Armstrong)
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Apr 30, 2019
One Hundred a Day is a terrifying eight minutes. Rosalie Fletcher is a factory girl in the thirties and she’s in trouble. Her more worldly friends, Jenee Welsh and Virginia Portingale, know where she can take care of it. Day’s this grainy, high contrast black and white. In the factory, where the read more

One Hundred a Day (1973, Gillian Armstrong)
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Apr 30, 2019
One Hundred a Day is a terrifying eight minutes. Rosalie Fletcher is a factory girl in the thirties and she’s in trouble. Her more worldly friends, Jenee Welsh and Virginia Portingale, know where she can take care of it. Day’s this grainy, high contrast black and white. In the factory, where the read more

One Hundred a Day (1973, Gillian Armstrong)
The Stop Button Posted by on Apr 30, 2019
One Hundred a Day is a terrifying eight minutes. Rosalie Fletcher is a factory girl in the thirties and she’s in trouble. Her more worldly friends, Jenee Welsh and Virginia Portingale, know where she can take care of it. Day’s this grainy, high contrast black and white. In the factory, where the read more

One Hundred a Day (1973, Gillian Armstrong)
The Stop Button Posted by on Apr 30, 2019
One Hundred a Day is a terrifying eight minutes. Rosalie Fletcher is a factory girl in the thirties and she’s in trouble. Her more worldly friends, Jenee Welsh and Virginia Portingale, know where she can take care of it. Day’s this grainy, high contrast black and white. In the factory, where the read more

It’s 2019 and I’m still letting Martin Scorsese disappoint me
The Stop Button Posted by on Apr 30, 2019
Not actually eight minutes of me complaining about Scorsese failing to live up to my expectations (or hopes). Six minutes of it. But new sound setup. And cats in the background. Not vocal cats, but mischevious ones. read more

Blogged Ramblings vs. Podcasted Ones
The Stop Button Posted by on Apr 29, 2019
I tried really hard to get a second episode of the Summing Up Microcast posted today but it didn’t happen. I recorded… four times? Like, way too much time spent on eight minute podcasting. Way too much time. Background noise is the current culprit. Though maybe Ferrite isn’t as good for recor read more

What We Do in the Shadows (2014, Jemaine Clement and Taika Waititi)
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Apr 28, 2019
What We Do in the Shadows is strong from the first scene. An alarm clock goes off at six. A hand reaches over to hit snooze. Only it’s six at night and the hand is reaching from a coffin. Shadows’s a mockumentary (though I sort of want to start calling them docucomedies after this one); the unseen read more

What We Do in the Shadows (2014, Jemaine Clement and Taika Waititi)
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Apr 28, 2019
What We Do in the Shadows is strong from the first scene. An alarm clock goes off at six. A hand reaches over to hit snooze. Only it’s six at night and the hand is reaching from a coffin. Shadows’s a mockumentary (though I sort of want to start calling them docucomedies after this one); the unseen read more

What We Do in the Shadows (2014, Jemaine Clement and Taika Waititi)
The Stop Button Posted by on Apr 28, 2019
What We Do in the Shadows is strong from the first scene. An alarm clock goes off at six. A hand reaches over to hit snooze. Only it’s six at night and the hand is reaching from a coffin. Shadows’s a mockumentary (though I sort of want to start calling them docucomedies after this one); the unseen read more

New Podcast: Cop Out, Or: Prelude to Podcasting, Or: Summing Up S01E01
The Stop Button Posted by on Apr 28, 2019
So, we’re recording the first episode of Visual Reflux: The Podcast tomorrow. Tres exciting. Unintentionally, it led to me realizing it’d be really easy to meet my “post-a-day” quota for Visual Reflux: The Blog if I could somehow count a micro-cast. Seven hours later because read more

What We Do in the Shadows (2014, Jemaine Clement and Taika Waititi)
The Stop Button Posted by on Apr 28, 2019
What We Do in the Shadows is strong from the first scene. An alarm clock goes off at six. A hand reaches over to hit snooze. Only it’s six at night and the hand is reaching from a coffin. Shadows’s a mockumentary (though I sort of want to start calling them docucomedies after this one); the unseen read more

Avengers: Endgame (2019, Anthony Russo and Joe Russo)
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Apr 26, 2019
Avengers: Endgame had the ending I was hoping for, but maybe not necessarily the right ending for the movie. And it’s only got one. If Endgame has any singular successes, it might be in its lack of false endings. It does a lot of establishing work, sometimes new to the film, sometimes refreshing it read more

Avengers: Endgame (2019, Anthony Russo and Joe Russo)
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Apr 26, 2019
Avengers: Endgame had the ending I was hoping for, but maybe not necessarily the right ending for the movie. And it’s only got one. If Endgame has any singular successes, it might be in its lack of false endings. It does a lot of establishing work, sometimes new to the film, sometimes refreshing it read more

Avengers: Endgame (2019, Anthony Russo and Joe Russo)
The Stop Button Posted by on Apr 26, 2019
Avengers: Endgame had the ending I was hoping for, but maybe not necessarily the right ending for the movie. And it’s only got one. If Endgame has any singular successes, it might be in its lack of false endings. It does a lot of establishing work, sometimes new to the film, sometimes refreshing it read more

Avengers: Endgame (2019, Anthony Russo and Joe Russo)
The Stop Button Posted by on Apr 26, 2019
Avengers: Endgame had the ending I was hoping for, but maybe not necessarily the right ending for the movie. And it’s only got one. If Endgame has any singular successes, it might be in its lack of false endings. It does a lot of establishing work, sometimes new to the film, sometimes refreshing it read more

A Shock to the System (1990, Jan Egleson)
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Apr 24, 2019
A Shock to the System is almost a success. It’s real close. It has all the right pieces, it just doesn’t have enough time at the end to put them away in their new arrangement. Everything’s in disarray because the film changes into a thriller—with a different protagonist—for a while in the read more

A Shock to the System (1990, Jan Egleson)
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Apr 24, 2019
A Shock to the System is almost a success. It’s real close. It has all the right pieces, it just doesn’t have enough time at the end to put them away in their new arrangement. Everything’s in disarray because the film changes into a thriller—with a different protagonist—for a while in the read more

A Shock to the System (1990, Jan Egleson)
The Stop Button Posted by on Apr 24, 2019
A Shock to the System is almost a success. It’s real close. It has all the right pieces, it just doesn’t have enough time at the end to put them away in their new arrangement. Everything’s in disarray because the film changes into a thriller—with a different protagonist—for a while in the read more

A Shock to the System (1990, Jan Egleson)
The Stop Button Posted by on Apr 24, 2019
A Shock to the System is almost a success. It’s real close. It has all the right pieces, it just doesn’t have enough time at the end to put them away in their new arrangement. Everything’s in disarray because the film changes into a thriller—with a different protagonist—for a while in the read more