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Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (2012) s03e08 – Death Do Us Part
The Stop Button Posted by on May 27, 2020
I didn’t realize until five episodes into Season Three there were only eight episodes this season. I knew it was the final season, but I didn’t realize it was a short final season. Director Daina Reid handles the series finale with aplomb; there’s a list of things the show seems like it’s going read more

Dead to Me (2019) s02e10 – Where Do We Go From Here
The Stop Button Posted by on May 26, 2020
How’s “Dead to Me” going to finish up its second season? How’s it going to resolve all the dangerous situations its characters have put themselves in? With one deus ex machina after another. One could say it’s lazy, but given how hard the show tried to be more than an easy black comedy the read more

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (2012) s03e07 – Game, Set & Murder
The Stop Button Posted by on May 26, 2020
Given it’s the penultimate episode, I don’t feel too bad about generally picking the murder from the opening scenes. There are just certain “Miss Fisher’s” tropes in play—it’s episode thirty-three overall—and there are certain things the show’s never done and if it’s going to do read more

Doctor Who (2005) s01e02 – The End of the World
The Stop Button Posted by on May 26, 2020
This episode is so much better than the previous one. So much better. And the only difference, besides setting and it not introducing a new lead character (Billie Piper), is a different director (Euros Lyn). Or maybe writer Russell T. Davies just had much better ideas for this one? Though the speci read more

Dead to Me (2019) s02e09 – It’s Not You, It’s Me
The Stop Button Posted by on May 25, 2020
The episode opens with some post-morning sex freaking out for Christina Applegate while Linda Cardellini is off to the big house. The show’s real cheap about the Cardellini thing, making me think I missed something in the previous episode, but she’s really there to see mom Katey Sagal, who’s not read more

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (2012) s03e06 – Death at the Grand
The Stop Button Posted by on May 25, 2020
It’s a single location mystery, which is always a lot of fun on “Miss Fisher’s.” Though this single location mystery turns out to be an incredibly dangerous one. It’s the local Grand Hotel, which is no longer as grand as it used to be; someone throws the concierge (Nick Mitchell) off the roof read more

Doctor Who (2005) s01e01 – Rose
The Stop Button Posted by on May 25, 2020
I am not a “Doctor Who” person. I’ve known some “Doctor Who” people, I count good friends as “Doctor Who” people. But there’s no way to talk about this show without prefacing with… I don’t get it. I still don’t get it. It’s like you have to be a certain kind of anglophile. What’s read more

Ginseng Roots (2019) #3
The Stop Button Posted by on May 25, 2020
Okay, this issue is even better than last issue and not just because creator Craig Thompson has Black Jesus, White Yahweh, and a Chinese Holy Spirit, which is an amazing panel. Lots of amazing illustrative panels this issue, in fact, because the main plot isn’t about Thompson working on his comic read more

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (2012) s03e05 – Death & Hysteria
The Stop Button Posted by on May 24, 2020
Even for an episode dealing with institutionalized misogyny, which are often the heaviest “Miss Fisher’s,” Death & Hysteria is close to the heaviest because it’s about a group of women being persecuted and threatened with forced hysterectomies for… enjoying orgasms. Ysabelle Dean’s script read more

To Live and Die in L.A. (1985, William Friedkin)
The Stop Button Posted by on May 23, 2020
If you’ve ever started watching To Live and Die in L.A. and turned it off because it’s terrible or just heard of it and thought you should see it, let me say… there’s no reason to see it. Or sit through it. Not even morbid curiosity. Or unless you want to see John Pankow’s butt. Director Friedkin read more

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (2012) s03e04 – Blood & Money
The Stop Button Posted by on May 23, 2020
“Miss Fisher’s,” as a rule, doesn’t do children in danger episodes. There’s been at least one other one, maybe another (but I don’t think really think so), but this episode opens with a kid buried in a shallow grave. It’s very intense right off. Though it’s also got some post-war things read more

Dead to Me (2019) s02e08 – It Had to Be You
The Stop Button Posted by on May 23, 2020
So, funny thing about this season. The cops seem to have forgotten anyone hit Christina Applegate’s husband with a car and drove away. Like. When Diana Maria Riva is recapping her involvement with Applegate and Linda Cardellini for Natalie Morales? Doesn’t come up. It’s very strange. Though, I read more

Frasier (1993) s02e04 – Flour Child
The Stop Button Posted by on May 23, 2020
I missed the Christopher Lloyd credit during the opening titles—James Burrows directing is no surprise—so I got to watch the episode without any writerly expectations. It feels somewhat like a first season episode, back when the show was establishing its take on structure. Here, we get a big setup read more

Dead to Me (2019) s02e07 – If Only You Knew
The Stop Button Posted by on May 22, 2020
Wow, more of the, no, really, you like Christina Applegate and Sam McCarthy as a mother-son comedic pair. He’s quietly sullen and she’s loudly obscene. Please laugh. McCarthy is a leech on this season, frankly. Thanks to Natalie Morales and new James Marsden, “Dead to Me” has a new lease on read more

Vampira and Me (2012, Ray Greene)
The Stop Button Posted by on May 22, 2020
For its protracted 106 minute runtime, Vampira and Me is a combination of tragic, frustrating, annoying, and enthralling. The problem with the whole project is writer, producer, editor, director, and narrator Greene. Well, okay, the problem with any project about Vampira (Maila Nurmi) is the lack o read more

What We Do in the Shadows (2019) s02e07 – The Return
The Stop Button Posted by on May 22, 2020
It’s a team episode—or more of one—with Nick Kroll returning from the first season. Kroll was a posh New York vampire who was in love with one of Matt Berry’s hats. Unfortunately, that hat was cursed and Kroll’s having some very bad luck. He’s living in a sewer with one rapping sidekick read more

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (2012) s03e03 – Murder & Mozzarella
The Stop Button Posted by on May 22, 2020
So I thought this episode was one of those pre-1980s Mafia stories where they never referred to the Mafia by name because they call it the Camorra here but the Camorra is actually a different Italian criminal organization. The more you know. Miss Fisher (Essie Davis) and Inspector Jack (Nathan Page read more

New Podcast | Visual Reflux – s02e01 – A Giant-Size, Coronavirus, Limited Edition(?), Seventh Anniversary Special
The Stop Button Posted by on May 21, 2020
One year and thirteen days since the last episode… here’s the second episode of “Visual Reflux.” We didn’t mean to take over a year off. But, hey, at least we’re back? Anyway; this week we discuss a whole bunch: We’ll be back in… well, hopefully 3 wee read more

Legends of Tomorrow (2016) s05e13 – I Am Legends
The Stop Button Posted by on May 21, 2020
Did you know you needed a “Legends vs. Zombies” episode of “Legends of Tomorrow”? Because I did not know I needed such a thing. I also didn’t realize I needed to see how much range Adam Tsekhman can exhibit on the drop of a… carrot. I’ve always liked Tsekhman but in a comic relief sort read more

Dead to Me (2019) s02e06 – You Don’t Have To
The Stop Button Posted by on May 21, 2020
So, first things first. Let’s get the negative out of the way; Elizabeth Allen Rosenbaum does a poor job of directing. Not quite as bad as a first season episode, but definitely a return to the bad frame composition to cover for some of the actors not being very good. Like Sam McCarthy; I noticed read more