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Defending Jacob (2020) s01e05 – Visitors
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 6, 2020
The episode opens with Chris Evans driving to see his father in prison to get a DNA swab so they can test for the murder gene intercut with the middle school graduation Jaeden Martell is missing. The school choir is singing Circle Game by Joni Mitchell, which is a great song but a very odd choice. read more

Doctor Who (2005) s01e11 – Boom Town
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 5, 2020
This episode is easily writer Russell T. Davies’s best so far. Maybe it helps he’s got Joe Ahearne directing, who’s even able to weather the Noel Clarke storm. Though it’s a new Noel Clarke. A moody one who’s not hanging on Billie Piper’s every word hoping for a kiss. In fact, they suggest read more

What We Do in the Shadows (2019) s02e09 – Witches
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 4, 2020
This episode is the “What We Do in the Shadows” equivalent of a dick and fart joke episode. Literally in the former’s case—the episode’s about a coven of witches kidnapping Laszlo (Matt Berry) because they want his immortal seed. Turns out they use vampire semen to stay young. Witches, I mean. read more

Doctor Who (2005) s01e10 – The Doctor Dances
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 4, 2020
It’s a disappointing conclusion. It’s not a bad episode, but it’s a fairly obvious, kind of silly finish to the much stronger first episode. Partially because the show never really finds its footing with Christopher Eccleston and John Barrowman, who are now in a pissing contest for a number of read more

Defending Jacob (2020) s01e04 – Damage Control
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 4, 2020
The episode opens unironically with Michelle Dockery going to the grocery store before it opens at 6 a.m. and waiting to go in and be alone while shopping while Chris Evans does the same thing… only with the swimming pool. Makes me wonder if the Dockery character is such a non-entity in the William read more

Legends of Tomorrow (2016) s05e15 – Swan Thong
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 3, 2020
I sometimes forget “Legends of Tomorrow” is at its best when it’s completely unconcerned with continuity. It’s a fun, heart-y, and then time travel time travel show. I went into this season finale worried how they were going to wrap things up in one episode after Greek Fates Sarah Strange, Joanna read more

Doctor Who (2005) s01e09 – The Empty Child
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 3, 2020
It’s a really creepy episode. Like, really creepy. Writer Steven Moffat comes up with a fantastic “villain,” this little kid in a gas mask who calls out, “Mummy,” over and over again. And then when he touches you, you get infected with something and eventually turn into a gas mask covered read more

Defending Jacob (2020) s01e03 – Poker Faces
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 3, 2020
I am a fan of both Chris Evans and Michelle Dockery. I’m not a fan of them together but, individually, I am a fan. Though, sadly—and “Defending Jacob” proves it—Evans is not working with the right directors in the right projects. He comes off in this thing like a not-fun period Dennis Quaid read more

Frasier (1993) s02e05 – Duke’s, We Hardly Knew Ye
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 3, 2020
Linda Morris and Vic Rauseo write this one, making it the first episode of the season to have season writers back (credited anyway), and they go in for the laughs from the start. We get Peri Gilpin on a chocolate hunt—leading to a fantastic rant about Raisinets—before David Hyde Pierce shows up read more

Defending Jacob (2020) s01e02 – Everything is Cool
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 2, 2020
About twenty minutes into this episode it felt really familiar then I realized I was just watching scenes from a bad Presumed Innocent remake. What with Chris Evans and his investigators and his coworkers and whatnot—it just feels like a retread of that film (and novel). I’ll bet source novel autho read more

Doctor Who (2005) s01e08 – Father’s Day
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 2, 2020
I went into Father’s Day with high hopes; Joe Ahearne directing, Paul Cornell writing. I remember hearing about the episode (albeit vaguely) when it first aired because I knew Cornell’s comic book writing. So I went into the episode full of goodwill. It’s all about the obvious kid going and saving read more

Doctor Who (2005) s01e07 – The Long Game
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 1, 2020
This first half of this episode is really strong. The second half, not so much. Even after stunt guest star Simon Pegg gets better in the second half it’s not any better. Writer Russell T. Davies doesn’t have a good resolution for the episode’s intrigue and no matter how effectively executed the read more

Doctor Who (2005) s01e06 – Dalek
The Stop Button Posted by on May 30, 2020
Okay, this one requires some disclaimers. First, when I watched the last episode and saw the preview of this one, I thought it looked terrible. Like, rolling my eyes terrible. Second, I was visually familiar with the Daleks from growing up in the eighties and whatever. I thought they were silly and read more

The Man with Two Brains (1983, Carl Reiner)
The Stop Button Posted by on May 29, 2020
The Man with Two Brains does not age well. It’s a case study in not aging well, even more so because when the three writers—director Reiner, star Steve Martin, and George Gipe—can’t figure out how to do an ending so they just do an extended fat joke… well, it’s hard to continuing giving read more

Doctor Who (2005) s01e05 – World War Three
The Stop Button Posted by on May 29, 2020
Digital video in the mid-aughts was still very rough. Around the time World War Three came out, some of the best DV cinematography wasn’t being done in film or television but in art and technical schools, as creatives were figuring out how to best light for the medium. In other words, I understand read more

What We Do in the Shadows (2019) s02e08 – Collaboration
The Stop Button Posted by on May 29, 2020
Traditional sitcom writer team—seriously, IMDb them (“Frasier” and “Newsradio”—Sam Johnson and Chris Marcil contribute this episode’s script and… well, maybe things make more sense now. Also they don’t seem up on the show because they don’t know how to use Natasia Demetriou at all. read more

Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears (2020, Tony Tilse)
The Stop Button Posted by on May 28, 2020
At no point does Miss Fisher & the Crypt of Tears introduce viewer unfamiliar with star Essie Davis’s television show, to which this film’s a sequel, “Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries.” The movie opens with an action sequence setting up Davis as an exquisitely dressed combination of Indiana read more

Doctor Who (2005) s01e04 – Aliens of London
The Stop Button Posted by on May 28, 2020
Director Keith Boak is back and it’s obvious from go some of the problem with Boak-directed episodes is Boak’s a bad director. Some of the problems are budgetary, but Boak and cinematographer Ernest Vincze even make the non-effects stuff look like bad digital video. There’s an anti-suspense suspens read more

Doctor Who (2005) s01e03 – The Unquiet Dead
The Stop Button Posted by on May 27, 2020
So the time and space machine is imprecise? Is that a “Doctor Who” thing? They bumble through the time? Because this episode is supposed to be Billie Piper getting to see nineteenth century Christmas in Naples or someplace but instead they end up in Cardiff (Cardiff gets a lot of deriding this epis read more

Legends of Tomorrow (2016) s05e14 – The One Where We’re Trapped on TV
The Stop Button Posted by on May 27, 2020
I’m not going back to count, but I feel like at least half this season of “Legends” is them getting knocked off track for an episode then getting back on track by the end. It’s fine, there have been some great episodes, but there’s no momentum on the main plot. So while this episode is amusing—the read more