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Devs (2020) s01e05
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 19, 2020
So last episode ended on two pretty significant cliffhangers for intrepid hero Sonoya Mizuno and her loyal sidekick Jin Ha. This episode opens with a “stylish” composite shot where involuntarily psychiatrically held Mizuno remembers life in her apartment with ex Ha as well as recently deceased boyf read more

The Wrong Missy (2020, Tyler Spindel)
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Jun 19, 2020
The Wrong Missy | Directed by Tyler Spindel | Netflix, 2020 Alright, I’ll come clean early and confess a weakness for rom coms. Especially after a few beers, and featuring lively young talents. When I saw the commercial for this one evening while pursing Netflix series, the presence of Lauren Lapku read more

Teknophage (1995) #1-6
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 18, 2020
Let’s see how long it takes me to describe Teknophage. Our reality is just one of an infinite (I think) number of realities, a multiverse woven together through the will of one single creature—the Teknophage, or Mister Henry Phage. He’s a giant dinosaur. On his planet, through mutation, he became read more

Devs (2020) s01e04
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 18, 2020
I believe the technical term for what writer, director, and show creator Alex Garland does with the “cold open.” Artsy-fartsy. I mean, it’s not bad or anything, it’s just blandly stylized. Though in a somewhat different way than usual. It doesn’t have that “compare it to Kubrick” desperation read more

Doctor Who (2005) s02e02 – Tooth and Claw
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 18, 2020
Tooth and Claw opens in nineteenth century Scotland, where a bunch of royals get attacked by a group of monks who know wire fu. Is it good wire fu? No. But it’s odd enough to get one interested and then it’s only a few minutes before David Tennant and Billie Piper find themselves in the same castle read more

Pulp (2020)
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 17, 2020
Pulp is good. I would’ve liked it a lot more with a different ending, instead of the same ending writer Ed Brubaker has used at least once before—but it’s such a distinctive, painfully obvious a reveal it sticks with me a decade after I first read it in Criminal. Though maybe he’s just trying read more

Frasier (1993) s02e06 – The Botched Language of Cranes
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 17, 2020
There’s a really bad line in this episode—written by Joe Keenan, back after a big success with his first script a few episodes ago—about Kelsey Grammer not being willing to emcee a Catholic Church charity event but willing to do the “Miss Teenage Seattle” one. So. Ew. Nineties. Also it comes read more

Doctor Who (2005) s02e01 – New Earth
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 17, 2020
I just realized—while I was watching New Earth, which aired almost four months after the Christmas special, it never occurred to me how weird it is the show doesn’t try to establish Billie Piper’s relationship with the new Doctor (David Tennant). They have a bunch of scenes together but most of read more

Devs (2020) s01e03
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 16, 2020
About three-quarters through this episode, when I was wondering if Alex Garland had indeed both written and directed this episode as well because it sure doesn’t have as much of the directorial flourish as the two previous episodes, I also realized the show’s closed its open questions. Three-quarte read more

Doctor Who (2005) s01e13 – The Parting of the Ways
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 14, 2020
This episode just ought to be called Deusest Ex Machina because it turns out everything this season has been building towards is a giant reset for the series. Which does make sense, given the Doctor gets reborn whenever they recast, but it completely dismisses the idea of Christopher Eccleston havi read more

Personal Foul (1987, Ted Lichtenfeld)
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 13, 2020
My initial impulse as I sat through the droning minutes of Personal Foul was to give the film a pass. Not give it any stars, but a pass. Also, when I say droning, I mean droning. The film’s music is a set of three or four songs by folk singer Greg Brown (and friends) on repeat. One of them even has read more

Devs (2020) s01e02
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 12, 2020
The start of the episode introduces some more of the Devs at work—there’s also a concerning assault in a garage—before getting to Nick Offerman’s Stallman-bearded tech giant telling lead Sonoya Mizuno she’ll have a job and secure income forever. Her boyfriend lighting himself on fire in front read more

Ashfall (2019, Kim Byung-seo and Lee Hae-jun)
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 12, 2020
I don’t know how long it would’ve taken me to see Ashfall if it hadn’t been for a blogathon. Maybe never. While I’m a Ma Dong-seok fan because how can you not be, I’ve always been lukewarm on top-billed Lee Byung-hun. Lee’s not actually the lead; the lead is Ha Jung-woo, who I don’t follow. read more

Doctor Who (2005) s01e12 – Bad Wolf
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 12, 2020
At least it’s got Joe Ahearne directing. I mean, it’s not terrible. Guest star Jo Joyner is a nice “romantic” interest for Christopher Eccleston, which is this standard thing where Eccleston and Rose Piper go to some time period and don’t spend any time together and Eccleston has this chaste read more

What We Do in the Shadows (2019) s02e10 – Théâtre des Vampires
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 11, 2020
Something about the episode having three credited writers (Sam Johnson, Stefani Robinson, Paul Simms) foretold it being a grandiose season finale. I can’t remember there being another episode with three writers. It’s got to be big. And it’s big. It just takes a while to get there. The episode read more

Defending Jacob (2020) s01e08 – After
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 10, 2020
Did you ever see the movie, Before and After? I haven’t. I haven’t read the book either. So I’m not sure if the dad covering up the teenager murdering someone or the mom covering up the teenager murdering someone talks about how it’s “before and after” when it comes to the murdering teen. read more

Devs (2020) s01e01
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 9, 2020
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a director more desperately want to be compared to Stanley Kubrick than “Devs” creator, writer, and director Alex Garland. The show’s a stylistic mash-up of 2001 and The Shining, maybe with some Eyes Wide Shut thrown in (for the street scenes). It takes place in read more

Defending Jacob (2020) s01e07 – Job
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 8, 2020
Finally the start of the courtroom episodes, which are apparently going to be two because it’s the second-to-last episode. It opens with a flashback to Pablo Schreiber with a goatee getting advice from—oh, look, they were friendly once—Chris Evans. Evans gives Schreiber a list of things to work read more

Defending Jacob (2020) s01e06 – Wishful Thinking
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 7, 2020
Last episode they were at like seven weeks from the trial, now it’s ten days before the trial. Apparently nothing interesting happened in five weeks, which is believable given “Defending Jacob.” The episode opens with Chris Evans and lawyer Cherry Jones looking at the dead kid’s cellphone, which read more

Nailbiter Returns (2020) #1
The Stop Button Posted by on Jun 6, 2020
I jumped shift halfway through the original Nailbiter series, so I think I missed the part about the serial killer antihero (the Nailbiter) having a daughter with the hero of the series. It’s been so long I can’t remember if the first series felt like a pitch for McFarlane Toys, but Nailbiter Retur read more