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Theres a Skeleton in My Love Story
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Oct 15, 2014
Love Your Local Paleontologist
Madge Kennedy 1920Between ScenesThe Truth
If you set a love story in an unusual place it will add to the fun. A seemingly mismatched couple heightens the audience's interest. Will they get together or are they just too different? Clips from the 1923 Ad read more

Black Cats Bring Stars Good Luck
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Oct 14, 2014
Black Cats Brought Celebrities Good Luck
13 Stars with 13 Black Cats
Clara KimballYoung
1) Clara Kimball Young was from Chicago.
In 1915 Clara Kimball Young was an actress. She would go on to become one of the first female film producers.
2) Edna Purviance, was born in Paradise Valley read more

Throw a Classic Hollywood Fancy Dress Party
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Oct 11, 2014
10 Tips for Your Old Hollywood Celebrity Fancy Dress Party,See the stars themselves
In the Golden Age of Hollywood they threw some amazing parties and that definitely included fancy dress parties. Here are some tips, some things to think about when planning your party whether it be at Halloween or read more

Early 20th Century Women Movie Theater Owners
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Oct 9, 2014
Female Movie Theater Owners, Managers, Exhibitors
Miss Bryse, ChicagoOwer of The Cub
"'All the men managers around here came in and threw cold water on my scheme by prophesysing all kinds of bad luck and tried hard to frighten me into closing up. That was not all.
"'Men came in wearing p read more

10 Woman Film Producers of the 1910s
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Oct 4, 2014
10 Female Film Producers of the 1910s
Mary Pickford
"Naturally there are many advantages for the
star who heads her own company. You can put sincere study into your work
and know that it is not going to be ruined because the almighty
director cannot see things your way. In fact there is no e read more

10 Great Stunt Women from the 1910s
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Sep 27, 2014
Ten of the Greatest Stunt Women of the Early 20th CenturyA few of the many women who were performing stunts in movies 1910-1920
can imagine my feelings as the train came rushing toward me. I had to
Helen Gibsonhas arrived
calculate the moment of my leap to the fraction of a second, for a read more

Women film pioneers early 1900s behind the camera
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Sep 24, 2014
Women professionals behind the cameras in early cinema
Lillian Gish directed sister Dorothy Gish pictured w/DW Griffith 1922
Women were pioneers in the film industry. In the early 1900s they were bosses, technicians, producers, exhibitors, directors, writers, stunt women and editors. Many of u read more

Serials hazards of Helen more ahead
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Sep 22, 2014
Helen Gibson asks Are you ready for what's ahead?
In Fit to Be Tied (1930), Gracie Allen sang, I'm a Whole Lot Wilder than I Look.
Helen Gibson lit up the movie screens from the 1910s through the 1950s and 60s. She'd go from being called Rose to Helen, getting to show off her nerves of steel. read more

James Cagney Yankee Doodle Dandy Where were you in 42
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Sep 5, 2014
James Cagney is George M. Cohanthe Yankee Doodle Dandy
James Cagney stars in Yankee Doodle Dandy, the life story of George M. Cohan, who went from child star of the vaudeville stage to "the man who owned Broadway," writing, acting, singing and dancing in multiple hit shows.
The film of Cohan read more

Errol Flynn, Humphrey Bogart, The Glamor Boys
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Aug 26, 2014
Glamour Boys: Get them while they're Hot
Fishing for glamour boys? The term glamor boy was assigned to a group of good looking, well dressed male celebrities many of them actors primarily in the 1930s through the mid-1960s.
A mid-1938 Life Magazine cover
presents the handsome Errol Flynn gi read more

1930s Dressing Rathbone, Gable, Dietrich
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Aug 23, 2014
"The first thing to do if you want to dress like your Hollywood hero is rob a bank"
Gable wears his opera hat
at just the correct angle
"During one year Basil Rathbone paid into the coffers of Watson and Son over $7000 for suits and overcoats alone. Not to mention his purchase of sundry shirts, read more

Old Hollywood stars homes your home Personality
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Aug 5, 2014
Personalities: The homes of Old Hollywood StarsPut personality in your home
Carole Lombard at home
Bill Haines helped Carole Lombard decorate her house. He said, "If you are considering doing a house or room to fit your personality, it is advisable to look at yourself in the mirror and see what read more

Actor Lee Tracy What happened in Mexico 1933
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Aug 4, 2014
What happened in Mexico didn't stay in Mexico for Lee Tracy
Lee Tracy 1945 Betrayal From The East
"I heard a parade going by. I ran out on the balcony, waved and shouted, 'Viva La Parade.' I had on pajama pants. Some of the boys in the parade saw me waving my arms and shouting they hollered bac read more

Classic film actors talk jobs, clothes, tools of the trade
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Aug 1, 2014
Costuming Hollywood Movie Stars in the 1930s-1950s
Robert Montgomery Magazine Photo orig
"The distinction that these stars of
the past attained through the way they dressed reveals how much the film
industry has changed today – and with it, how our notions of the icon
has changed.&nb read more

Dressing Male Stars in Old Hollywood BYOC Bring Your Own Clothes
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Jul 29, 2014
1930's & 40's Men's Fashions in Movies:
Hollywood male film stars rebelled against high wardrobe costs
Dial M for MurderRobert Cummings and Grace Kelly;Maybe they looked at her dressbut he wanted to look great, too.
"Next time you see Robert Cummings on screen in his underwear, it might be read more

Piano dance Tom Hanks and James Cagney
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Jul 18, 2014
Piano Dance: Fun with James Cagney, Tom Hanks, Liberace
Big Tom Hanks Robert Loggia classic dancing on piano scene
James Cagney did it in 1937. Tom Hanks in 1988. Wild and Crazy Mr. Hanks has had a hankering to do it again and again. He did it with Sandra Bullock on TV in 2013.
You can read more

Hey Stella Dallas Kay Francis Barbara Stanwyck Angela Bassett
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Jul 15, 2014
Hey Stella!
Barbara StanwyckPublicity Still for Stella Dallas
"Offhand how many girls or women whose names are Stella can you name? Not very many we think. However we may be wrong and perhaps you can rattle off the names of 10. So if you name happens to be Stella you don't have to go any furthe read more

Chickens with Carole Lombard, Col Sanders, British Comedy, Hans Conried
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Jul 14, 2014
Do you keep chickens?Hens been on your mind lately?
Carole Lombard
and Edmund the Rooster
In the mid-1930s Carole Lombard, then just dating Mr. Clark Gable, had an assortment of pets, including dogs and cats, some of them rescues. She also had some ducks, a hen named Jessie and a rooster named read more

Harrison Ford, Strong and Silent Movie Star
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Jul 13, 2014
Harrison Ford, Strong and Silent Movie StarTwo Stars, Same NameTwo stars on The Hollywood Walk of Fame
What are your favorite Harrison Ford films? The Primitive Lover, Rubber Tires, Night Bride, Hell's Four Hundred, Food for Scandal, Lovers in Quarantine, Her Beloved Villain? Have you seen Who read more

Barbara Stanwyck and Robert Taylor watches and sapphires 1930s
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Jul 5, 2014
Keeping time with Barbara Stanwyck and Robert Taylor
Robert Taylor Barbara Stanwyck Original Vintage Transparency Rare Photo
Fans spent several years watching what would happen with Robert Taylor and Barbara Stanwyck. Couldn't she have a dance with the man at a club without all the papers sayi read more