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Gift ideas from the stars hobbies comfort outerspace
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Dec 9, 2014
Gift ideas from the stars
Thank you! Thank you very much
Tailor gifts to the recipient's hobbies. Think of something beyond just what they might need. Are they going through a tough time? What might bring them some comfort, lift their spirits?
Customizing a gift can show you thought of read more

Plum Pudding for Cary Grant, Virginia Cherrill, Clive Brook and You
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Dec 8, 2014
Bring Me Some Figgy Pudding
Lillian Harvey 1934 Phillips Cigarette Card
Bring it right here. Sentiments from the traditional Christmas carol, We wish you a Merry Christmas.
Cary Grant, Lillian Harvey, Miriam Jordan, Clive Brook, Ronald Colman and many others said this about their belove read more

Group games for parties holidays birthdays adults-kids
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Dec 7, 2014
Games for Old and Youngfor Christmas, Birthdays, parlor games for any time of year
"Here are some ways to amuse and entertain both old and young. Make an evening pass
Holiday Game
pleasantly and happy alike for hosts and friends. One of the most enjoyable ways to spend the evening is in some ag read more

Stars celebrate Christmas around the world
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Dec 6, 2014
Holiday Traditions from different countriesStars' Christmas memories
"One thing I miss is the holly and mistletoe that grew along our country lanes at
Ronald Colman 1924
home. It is the custom for the boys to go out and gather some for Christmas decorations.
"Then there is the celebrated read more

Bad holiday memories for old Hollywood stars
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Dec 5, 2014
In the Christmas Season Dumps?
Think everyone has a better holiday than you?
The holidays where they felt as cuddly as a cactus or as charming as an eel.
1977 London
When their whole lives seemed like one big bad banana with a greasy black peel. Remembering a few of the miserable, the read more

Shop, Wrap with Old Hollywood Stars
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Dec 2, 2014
They're getting ready for Christmas
Claire Windsor suggests
we shop early for Christmas
"The first local indication that the big day is nigh is the physical change in Hollywood Blvd. From La Brea to Vine streets on either side of the street each block is decorated with six huge lighted Christmas read more

List Old Hollywood Stars Married Holidaytime
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Dec 1, 2014
Vintage Celebrity Holiday Weddings, New YearsAre you having or attending a Christmas wedding?Celebrate these anniversaries
December 2, 1926
Alfred Hitchcock marries assistant director Alma Reville (They are married until his death in 1980.)
December 3, 1931
Clara Bow and Rex Bell marry
In 1931, read more

Happy Thanksgiving Join the 1930s stars
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Nov 27, 2014
Hollywood Golden Age Stars enjoy the Holiday
Gobble, GobbleMary Pickford & Douglas Fairbanksready for dinner
Where did the stars have their Thanksgiving dinners? Who had to work? Who was a host and who was a guest? What movies were they working on at that time? How did the Macy's Thanksgiv read more

Scenes removed by censors for better or worse
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Nov 26, 2014
Just what did the censors cut out?
Official cutouts and other judgments made by The Chicago Board of Censors 1918
Mrs. Murdock pointed to a place near her bed. Nude statuary or sculpture was
Gwen Lee "in hula skirt made of
film cut from her own films"
seen near the beginning of another fil read more

Movie censorship around the world 1910s-1950s
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Nov 24, 2014
Film Censorship Japan, France, Britain, more
What did countries such as Japan and France think of American movies? How did they censor their own films and imports? When did the British Board of Film Censors appear? And much later, in 1979 did the members of Monty Python have to deal with audience read more

Dirty Business Movie Censorship in the Early Days
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Nov 22, 2014
Early movie censorship 1900s-1920sCoverups, Arrests, Ballots and Scorecards, States and Cities
Notice! No Movie MayShow the following.......................
NY Judge slams system, cops spending more time w/censors on raids instead of fighting crime
"'The policy of the Police Department unde read more

Vintage actress auctions clothes for charity-designer on Titanic
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Nov 21, 2014
Clara Kimball Young donates Lucile gown off her back
Lady Duff Gordon, Mme Lucile, Titanic Survivor
Clara Kimball YoungShirley Kate 1918
"Clara Kimball Young with the aid of her manager Harry Garson put the punch into the big bazaar at the Lasky Studio Hollywood, Cal, Saturday night for read more

Old Hollywood Stars Thanksgiving Menus Quiz
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Nov 12, 2014
Match the stars to the menus they served Their traditional Thanksgiving meals
Want to join some Old Hollywood Stars for Thanksgiving dinner? Wishing you
Aileen Pringle, Lew Cody
could dine with a silent film star or laugh it up sitting beside your favorite star of a screwball comedy? If you can' read more

Mood Music-Behind the Scenes Silent Movies
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Nov 10, 2014
Love Music, Music for All, Music in Strange Places ... Uh, No Music, Please
Off-camera music was used to elicit feelings of real emotion in silent film stars. It definitely wasn't always the feeling of sadness and the aim wasn't always to bring about tears.
Ben Lyon feelsyour pain
A story is tol read more

A Good Cry-Off Camera Musicians Help Silent Film Actors Bring Tears
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Nov 9, 2014
Your Director tells you to Cry!
Musicians help silent film stars shed tears
Do you ever go to a movie for a good cry? In the earliest days of the movies 'tears were administered externally.'
Corinne Grant
weeps 1915
Many teardrops were manufactured in the studios with glycerine and Vaseli read more

Strange Experiences at Valentinos Grave
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Oct 30, 2014
Strange Experiences at Valentino's Grave
Did you know that:
Crypt of Rudolph Valentino
Ten people inquire every day for the specific location of Valentino's burial place
There are societies all over the world pledged to keep the grave ever fresh with flowers?
A woman dressed always in black ca read more

His Haunted Mansion The late Rudolph Valentino
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Oct 29, 2014
Falcon's Lair Visit a Haunted House
Valentino's Falcon Lair
He built it for his wife, but she would never live there. A larger tragedy, he would die not long after its completion.
The mansion on the hill may rival his grave site for having the most stories of Valentino ghost sightings. To read more

The Lady and The Ghost of Valentino
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Oct 28, 2014
Hollywood's first superstar speaks from beyond
Rudolph Valentino The Sheik
August 1926 Rudolph Valentino was dying in a New York City hospital. The very spiritual Natacha Rambova was not able to be at his side. She later spoke about her communication with him. Here are accounts of his messages read more

Rudolph Valentino When I Come Back
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Oct 27, 2014
The Big Screen's First Latin LoverI shall be again the romantic lover, It is what I do best and it is what most people want -- I shall try to be human, understandable
Rudolph Valentino 'Son of Sheik' Poster
He was the first Latin lover of the silver screen, the first order of beefcake, first on read more

1930s Fan Girls chase Clark Gable
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Oct 21, 2014
Fangirls in the 1930s out for Gable
Clark Gable's Offer, circa 1934: "If the person who found my wrist watch lost during my
They ripped off his buttons
[Even his
mustache is gone]
tour will return it to me I will be happy not only to send that person a duplicate of the watch but I will also pay read more