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Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on May 14, 2012
Depp plays Barnabas Collins, a member of the founding family of a Maine sea port, who has been transformed into a vampire and buried in a steel coffin by a jealous witch, Angelique (Eva Green). Barnabas is accidentally recovered from the grave by some construction men and finds himself in 1972. Ret read more

Brother Tom’s Suicide
Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on May 10, 2012
Tom Houghton Hepburn, Katharine Hepburn’s brother, was two years her senior. As children, the two were inseparable. Dr. Hepburn encouraged all his children to be very athletic, and it has been said that his expectations for his eldest son could be extreme. Tom had developed a nervous tick due read more

Avenging Women
Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on May 9, 2012
My roommate found this infographic online and showed it to me and she and I had a good laugh about it. But then it struck me that it would actually be funnier if it were more true. The top pie chart says women won’t like The Avengers because it has a sexy woman in it, while the bottom chart il read more

A Word About ‘Persona’
Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on Apr 23, 2012
Throughout the 20th century, film stars had a very significant role in defining American womanhood. They were as much public figures as any politician, social reformer, or military leader. From the Great Depression years through the 1960s (an era often described as The Golden Age of Hollywood) actre read more

The Joys of Silent Film (2)
Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on Feb 29, 2012
2.) Try watching the shorter films first. Back in the day, a twenty-minute Chaplin film might precede the feature presentation at the movie house. There are a lot of Chaplin and Buster Keaton short films on YouTube. They are a lot easier to sit through than a two-hour epic. If you saw Hugo, you will read more

A Word About Meryl Streep (2)
Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on Feb 20, 2012
A critic for Entertainment Weekly magazine stated in an article that Meryl Streep is obviously the best actress alive today. I beg to differ. Are we really going to pass over Maggie Smith and Judi Dench and all the other great Dames for Meryl Streep? I may be the only self-respecting film read more

Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on Jan 23, 2012
The success of the film can be divided fairly equally into three parts: its casting, the cinematography, and the screenplay itself. Rooney Mara’s Lisbeth is a dark, but undoubtedly multi-dimensional character. By way of her subtle facial expressions one gets a sense of her depth without losing read more

Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on Jan 6, 2012
So, can I think of anything positive to say about this film? Hm. It looked pretty good for the most part, though the sets, scenery, background, etc. seemed really busy and dirty all the time – but not in an effective way. The scene when they’re running through the woods getting shot at read more

Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on Jul 18, 2011
Pre-Potter Movie Jitters
Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on Jul 15, 2011
Preparing to see HP 7 pt. 2 some time this week. I’ve heard awesome things so I’m really looking forward to it. Actually, I am of the opinion that we should have had an international holiday to allow people time to go see the movie. If I ruled the world… The previews and trailers o read more