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Sidney Poitier and The Civil Rights Movement in Hollywood (2)
Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on Aug 4, 2012
From the time Sidney Poitier first stepped in front of the camera in 1950, he drastically altered the racial paradigm of Hollywood films. Poitier came to represent the changes implemented by the Civil Rights movement. As an actor, Poitier’s role in the Civil Rights movement was to “desegregate the read more

Liebster Award (2)
Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on Aug 4, 2012
A fellow classic movies blogger over at Film Flare passed along this “award” that requires that I answer these set questions about my movie-enjoying experience. So here goes! 1.) Most embarrassing moment at a movie theatre: To be honest, I don’t think I have one. I don’t kno read more

The Great Recasting Blogathon 2012: HARRY POTTER (2001-2011 series) (2)
Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on Jul 25, 2012
This blogathon hosted by Rianna at Frankly, My Dear and Natalie at In the Mood requires participants to select a post-1965 movie and completely recast it with pre-1965 actors. I got really excited and immediately chose HARRY POTTER, because there is a such a great variety of character, you know? I w read more

POLL: What is your favorite 1930s Katharine Hepburn movie? (2)
Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on Jul 23, 2012
1.) HOLIDAY (George Cukor, 1938) Although Johnny (Cary Grant) is crazy about his fiancée Julia, Julia doesn’t seem crazy about Johnny’s plans for their future. Her sister Linda (Hepburn), on the other hand, feels more than sympathy for the young energetic dreamer engaged to her beloved read more

LAMB Acting School 101: Rosalind Russell (2)
Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on Jul 21, 2012
This post is written in conjunction with the LAMB Acting School 101 hosted by the Large Association of Movie Blogs. Rosalind Russell has been one of my favorite actresses ever since I first saw her in THE WOMEN and HIS GIRL FRIDAY. I love the verve, energy, wit, and confidence that she expresses on read more

Feminist Star Personas of Classic Hollywood (other than Katharine Hepburn) (2)
Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on Jul 15, 2012
Feminist personas of classic Hollywood come in many shapes and sizes. Some, like the great Katharine Hepburn, found profound new ways to represent strong women on the big screen. Others more subtly broke new ground in their private lives. There is no set way to define a feminist icon, but there are read more

David Lean’s SUMMERTIME (1955)
Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on Jul 9, 2012
Jane Hudson (Katharine Hepburn) has finally earned herself a personal holiday in Venice, Italy. An unmarried professional, she travels alone, hoping to discover she knows not what in this exotic new city. She meets handsome antique dealer Renato de Rossi (Rossano Brazzi) and after a bit of a rocky s read more

STAGE DOOR (1937): A Feminist Perspective (2)
Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on Jul 2, 2012
Because Katharine Hepburn’s star text in so many of her film roles reads as a liberated feminist, the audience becomes tempered to the idea of whole groups of women being autonomous. Before STAGE DOOR (1937), she had made such films as CHRISTOPHER STRONG (1933), LITTLE WOMEN (1933), ALICE ADAMS (193 read more

5 Films that Changed the Way We View Sexuality (2)
Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on Jun 22, 2012
And the winners are…
Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on Jun 21, 2012
Over the past month or so I’ve posted four polls about Katharine Hepburn movies and co-stars. Although you can continue to cast your votes on those polls, I thought I’d give all those who have already voted a run-down on the scores. What’s your favorite Katharine Hepburn classic? h read more

Queer Film Blogathon 2012: SYLVIA SCARLETT (1935) (2)
Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on Jun 18, 2012
This post is written in conjunction with the second annual Queer Film Blogathon hosted by Garbo Laughs and Pussy Goes Grrrr! The first film that came to mind for me when I signed up to participate in this blogathon (my first, as it happens!) was George Cukor’s SYLVIA SCARLETT (1935), the first read more

The Most Radically Feminist Films of Katharine Hepburn (2)
Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on Jun 12, 2012
Katharine Hepburn has been called a feminist film persona and a 20th century feminist icon, but few have really delved into the sources and manifestations of the term “feminist” as it relates to this great star. Is she called a feminist because she insisted on wearing pants in a time when most read more

HOLIDAY (1938) (4)
Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on Jun 7, 2012
By the end of the 1930s it had appeared that Katharine Hepburn’s star had already risen and fallen. Due to a string of commercial failures (BREAK OF HEARTS, SYLVIA SCARLETT, A WOMAN REBELS, QUALITY STREET, to name a few), the independent movie theatres had labelled Hepburn “box office po read more

Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on Jun 4, 2012
Revisionist fairly tales seem to be all the rage these days, what with popular TV series “Once Upon a Time” and the recent cinematic flop MIRROR MIRROR. After the insipid disappointment that was MIRROR MIRROR, I was hoping SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN would make a grand coup of the fad an read more

Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on May 31, 2012
A longtime fan of Will Smith and the MEN IN BLACK movies, I was so thrilled to hear about this third installment to the saga! In this MIB adventure, Agent J (Smith) must travel back in time to stop Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones/Josh Brolin) from getting killed by an angry escapee alien named Boris the read more

Communities of Women: Katharine Hepburn Passes the Bechdel Test (2)
Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on May 24, 2012
Nazi Anti-Semitic Propaganda Filmmaking: Veit Harlan and JUD SUSS (1940)
Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on May 22, 2012
At our weekly village movie night this week we watched a documentary called Harlan: In the Shadow of “Jew Suss” about Third Reich propaganda filmmaker, Veit Harlan, whose controversial film inspired a nation to persecute and murder all Jews. I had not heard of Veit Herlan before viewing read more

Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on May 17, 2012
The Philadelphia Story (1940) marks the turning point in Hepburn’s film career. She had decided to return home in 1938 after being labeled “box office poison” for a series of failed costume dramas at RKO. After a hurricane swept away her family’s Fenwick home, Hepburn tried to piece her life read more

Margaret Perry Posted by MargaretPerry on May 16, 2012
The setting of the film in a tired old palace in the midst of a vibrant, colorful culture is representative of the message of the film as a whole: old people discovering that all the glories of life are still available to them and that new adventures are still to be had after age fifty. It also defi read more