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Dancing Legs Quiz 5
Classic Reel Girl Posted by BG Voita on Jan 26, 2015
I have been so busy with work that I missed putting up a quiz for last Friday. I don't know about you, but I always find these kinds of things fun. (Some favorite places to go test my classic movie knowledge include Rick's Movie Connections over at Classic Film and TV Cafe--mainly a learning versus read more

Why I never joined The Band Wagon...
Classic Reel Girl Posted by BG Voita on Jan 18, 2015
When I signed up to write an anti-Band Wagon post, I was a little nervous. Images of angry dancing gods Down to Earth-style floated in my head. How dare I speak badly about the pairing of two dancing greats: Cyd Charisse and Fred Astaire.
I have revisited The Band Wagon (1953) many times ov read more

Dancing Legs Quiz 4
Classic Reel Girl Posted by BG Voita on Jan 16, 2015
It is only right that we should pay homage to the choreographers who helped bring great dance to the silver screen.
Name the choreographers and their partners. Bonus if you can name the movie in which they are dancing.
Note: The above film was actually filmed in T read more

10 Classic Films for 2015
Classic Reel Girl Posted by BG Voita on Jan 13, 2015
At the beginning of each year, Laura at Laura's Miscellaneous Musings puts together a list of ten films she plans to see during the new year. I thought this was a grand idea--what a wonderful way to ensure you are exposed to some new movies while checking off others that you have long been wanting t read more

Dancing Legs Quiz 3
Classic Reel Girl Posted by BG Voita on Jan 9, 2015
These dancers could strike a pose like no other. With beautiful lines, their dancing was art in motion.
Name these renown dancers. Extra points if you can name the movie in which they are dancing.
Personal tidbit - Inspired by dance numbers of m read more

Vacation from Marriage (1945)
Classic Reel Girl Posted by BG Voita on Jan 6, 2015
***This is an exception to my no play-by-play rule. Warning: spoilers abound.***
Posted prominently on the fabric bulletin board above my desk is the phrase: "Never be afraid to try something new." It serves as a reminder to always seek adventure and new opportunities. In terms of marriage, i read more

Faboulous Footwork Friday
Classic Reel Girl Posted by BG Voita on Jan 2, 2015
Quiz 2
Continuing with our celebration of dance in the movies...Can you guess the owners of these
famous gams? Bonus - Name the movie in which they are dancing.
Note ~ The above pairs are linked by a theme.
Happy Friday! read more

Just for Fun ~ Fabulous Footwork Quiz
Classic Reel Girl Posted by BG Voita on Dec 31, 2014
Let's dance in the new year and celebrate great choreography in the movies. Can you guess the owners of these famous gams? Bonus - Name the movie in which they are dancing.
Leave your guesses in the comment section read more

New Year's Reflections ~ Life's a Banquet
Classic Reel Girl Posted by BG Voita on Dec 24, 2014
I'll be honest. Auntie Mame (1958) is not part of my annual holiday lineup. I prefer to save this film for a day when life has got me down, and I "need a little Christmas," as Mame of the musical version would say, "Right this very minute!" Maybe subconsciously I know this is how Mame would intend h read more

Hope in the Night
Classic Reel Girl Posted by BG Voita on Dec 17, 2014
Remember the Night (1940) and I met quite by accident. One might think between my affinity for Fred MacMurray, admiration for Barbara Stanwyck, and passion for all things Christmas, I would have discovered this holiday film years ago. Alas, I happened to flip on the channel, and there it was, waitin read more

I Feel Pretty - The Musical Side of Beauty
Classic Reel Girl Posted by BG Voita on Dec 7, 2014
Keeping with last week's theme...
Movies have also taught us that glamorizing oneself is part of the fun of womanhood. Being
a musical-lover, I can think of several films in which young women joyfully
sing about the benefits of being a female--and a beautiful one at that.
Here are three t read more

Beauty for Sale
Classic Reel Girl Posted by BG Voita on Nov 30, 2014
Watch any television program with a high female demographic or flip through a magazine intended for women, and you will be bombarded with countless ads peddling beauty wares. The desire for immortality is as old as Ponce de Leon's search for the Fountain of Youth, but the added emphasis on female be read more

Kicking off the Holiday Season ~ Holiday Inn
Classic Reel Girl Posted by BG Voita on Nov 23, 2014
It's Thanksgiving week which means the countdown to Christmas has begun (although if commercials and store decorations are any indication, the shotgun was fired the day after Halloween). While some might hum and hah like Ebenezer Scrooge, I am one of those silly souls who can't wait to switch the st read more

Fools for Scandal
Classic Reel Girl Posted by BG Voita on Nov 14, 2014
The real scandal may have nothing to do with them.
I love Carole Lombard, Paris, quick witty dialogue, and light fluffy comedies. When I saw Fools for Scandal (1938) come across my Facebook feed, promising all of the above, I thought I had a sure winner. DVR set to record. Unfortunately this movie read more

'60s Career Girls and Marriage
Classic Reel Girl Posted by BG Voita on Nov 6, 2014
And now it is time to wrap up my Career Girls and Marriage series (although the more I watch, the more I want to add--I may need to revisit in the future).
Onto the 60s, a tumultuous time of conflicting identities:
Dealers (1963) - In this film, career women are presented as two read more

Messages from Cat People
Classic Reel Girl Posted by BG Voita on Oct 30, 2014
Cat People (1942) was an unexpected success. Despite its limited budget and initially being panned by some illustrious critics (The New York Times' Bosley Crowther for instance), the film was a huge hit with audiences. This fluke had critics rubbing their heads, so they went back and watched the mov read more

The Image of Rita Hayworth
Classic Reel Girl Posted by BG Voita on Oct 19, 2014
It's mid-October, Hispanic Heritage Month, and the perfect time to take a quick break from my Career Girls and Marriage series to celebrate Rita Hayworth. She is the birthday girl of the month, born October 17, 1918 (see the getTV Rita Hayworth Blogathon hosted by Classic Movie Hub for a list of won read more

The Paradox of Career, Marriage, & 1950s Movies
Classic Reel Girl Posted by BG Voita on Oct 17, 2014
Footnote to '50s Career Girls & Marriage
After my last post, I came across some interesting tidbits about working women in the 1950s. The info was too good to let pass, especially since we just explored career women in 1950s movies. According to two books I have been jumping between, married read more

'50s Career Girls and Marriage
Classic Reel Girl Posted by BG Voita on Oct 6, 2014
Not so easy to find is the 1950s career girl. But with a little research, I not only came across a great new book series that I can't wait to sink my teeth into, but also found an awesome example of a '50s career gal. It's an old favorite with a message I missed until I read Sumiko Higashi's essay i read more

'40s Career Girls and Marriage
Classic Reel Girl Posted by BG Voita on Sep 29, 2014
The 1940s were a unique time for the career girl. From 1942 to 1945, the boys were away at war which left a large gap in the workforce. Campaign posters, such as the one that came to be associated with Rosie the Riveter, encouraged women to take men's vacant spots. Whether or not this caused a read more