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50 years after that 'one small step'
Carole & Co. Posted by carole_and_co on Jul 20, 2019
I wanted to find a photo of Carole Lombard with the moon to commemorate today's 50th anniversary of the first humans setting foot on the lunar surface, but this is the best I could come up with -- an RKO publicity still of her "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" character, where Ann Smith presumably can see the moon read more

One image, two autographs
Carole & Co. Posted by carole_and_co on Jul 19, 2019
Carole Lombard signed plenty of photos during her career, including the image above, taken by John Miehle. Another inscribed version is for sale at eBay.Whereas the top photo's inscription is easy to see, the bottom -- in dark ink, under her face -- is far tougher to discern. So I've enlarged it.Acc read more

Next month, Carole reaches new Heights in the Twin Cities
Carole & Co. Posted by carole_and_co on Jul 18, 2019
During her sadly abbreviated life, Carole Lombard visited plenty of places, but many remained out of reach. A planned trip to Europe in early 1935 fell through at the last minute, so she settled for a visit to Cuba. She made numerous journeys to Mexico as most Hollywood folk did, and probably went t read more

Clubbing with Carole and Robert
Carole & Co. Posted by carole_and_co on Jul 17, 2019
Carole Lombard and "date" Cesar Romero enjoy the White Mayfair Ball in early 1936, the event that legend has it ignited the romance between Carole and Clark Gable. (They'd seen each other at several functions after making "No Man Of Her Own" in late 1932 without being perceived as an "item.")That's read more

Lots of Lombard for a little price (and a worthy cause)
Carole & Co. Posted by carole_and_co on Jul 16, 2019
"Twentieth Century," Carole Lombard's first comedic masterpiece, hasn't been issued on DVD since 2005. So how'd you like to own it, and 10 other Lombard films, for less than its original price? You can -- and benefit a good cause in the process.Look at what's available on eBay:You have "Twentieth Ce read more

'Gable And Lombard'? How about 'Powell And Lombard'?
Carole & Co. Posted by carole_and_co on Jul 15, 2019
Today's entry was inspired by "Supernatural" -- no, not the 1933 film that was Carole Lombard' lone journey into horror, but the long-running TV series of the same name on the CW network that begins its 15th and final season this fall.The series chronicles the exploits of brothers Sam and Dean Winch read more

Who are these guys?
Carole & Co. Posted by carole_and_co on Jul 14, 2019
Through the several films she made with Clark Gable, Myrna Loy became good friends with Carole Lombard; the three are shown at a tennis tournament in Los Angeles. Another photo involving the three leads to some identification questions......namely, who's posing with them?It's believed this was taken read more

Cooking in the style of the stars
Carole & Co. Posted by carole_and_co on Jul 13, 2019
Carole Lombard and Clark Gable may have been major movie stars, but they liked to do many of the same things as mortal couples -- preparing their own meals, for instance, as shown here in 1940. Lombard enjoyed cooking, among the skills she had learned from her mother and two older brothers.In fact, read more

Ladies, a show of hands
Carole & Co. Posted by carole_and_co on Jul 12, 2019
Carole Lombard's hands are in the forefront of this image, a reminder that her glamour arsenal had far more than face and figure. Need further convincing? Check out this, from the June 1933 issue of Modern Screen:But attractive hands aren't the only thing linking the three actresses pictured on that read more

Contracts for more Lombard movie history
Carole & Co. Posted by carole_and_co on Jul 11, 2019
Carole Lombard was at a career crossroads when she posed for this photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt of Life magazine in mid-1938. For the past four years, she had gained renown for her mastery at smart romantic comedy, but her latest film in that vein, "Fools For Scandal" at Warners, had been both a criti read more

'Semi-nude'? Okay...
Carole & Co. Posted by carole_and_co on Jul 10, 2019
When the category is "racy Carole Lombard photos," the first name that should come to mind is William E. Thomas. The Pathe photographer took all sorts of pics of her in the late '20s, when Carole was in her early 20s -- the sensual shots of Lombard (such as the one above are what he's best known for read more

A fiery, massive, largely silent disaster
Carole & Co. Posted by carole_and_co on Jul 9, 2019
It was 82 years ago today that part of Carole Lombard died, slightly more than 4 1/2 years before she actually did. This "death" didn't occur on a rugged Nevada mountainside, but in a small New Jersey town where she had far more than 21 fellow victims.We're referring to a fire in Little Ferry, N.J., read more

This will get your goat
Carole & Co. Posted by carole_and_co on Jul 8, 2019
A new acronym has surfaced in recent years, "G.O.A.T.," or "greatest of all time." It's often used to label athletes -- is Babe Ruth the "G.O.A.T." of baseball, or might it be Willie Mays? (If Mike Trout keeps up his fabulous career, he'll enter the discussion, though it'd help his cause if the Ange read more

When Hollywood was shakin' all over
Carole & Co. Posted by carole_and_co on Jul 7, 2019
Carole Lombard and Randolph Scott comfort each other in this still from "Supernatural," the film they were making in March 1933 when something happened in Hollywood that current Angelenos can relate to.Yep, an earthquake, which struck at 5:55 p.m. on Friday, March 10...and though it only registered read more

Part of our Heritage is Universal
Carole & Co. Posted by carole_and_co on Jul 6, 2019
On a morning Angelenos absorb all sorts of earth-shaking news both literal (an earthquake rolled through southern California last night, for the second time in as many days) and figurative (the long-suffering Los Angeles Clippers signed NBA finals MVP Kawhi Leonard, then traded for All-Star Paul Geo read more

Let's go 'Past Daily,' part 2
Carole & Co. Posted by carole_and_co on Jul 5, 2019
Yesterday's Carole & Co. entry dealt with "Past Daily," a site with several thousand items of recorded sound (most of them radio broadcasts). A visit to https://pastdaily.com/archive/ enables one to search its library for particulars; for example, there are 238 listings under "Los Angeles."A look th read more

Let's go 'Past Daily', part 1
Carole & Co. Posted by carole_and_co on Jul 4, 2019
We've frequently noted that Carole Lombard regularly appeared on radio, especially from 1938 to 1941. But what shows might she have listened to, either at home or in one of those newfangled car radios (a luxury she certainly could've afforded)?We'll never know precisely, but a site I discovered yest read more

There's hope for the rom-com yet
Carole & Co. Posted by carole_and_co on Jul 3, 2019
I don't know how you plan to spend your July 4th holiday. You may be at a summer home, a la Carole Lombard and Fred MacMurray in 1937's "True Confession." (Part of it was filmed at Lake Arrowhead.) You may spend time watching a romantic comedy, such as the one above, and the good news is that the ge read more

Carole and Cary rule Radio City 'In Name Only'
Carole & Co. Posted by carole_and_co on Jul 2, 2019
A hypothetical question: If you could team Carole Lombard and Cary Grant to co-star in only one film, would you retain their romantic drama "In Name Only"......or would you give that up and have Cary and Carole as leads in the genre they're arguably most associated with, the romantic comedy? We can' read more

A history, er, 'herstory,' that needed to be told
Carole & Co. Posted by carole_and_co on Jul 1, 2019
Imagine an alternate universe where Carole Lombard doesn't recover from injuries suffered in a 1926 automobile accident, that cosmetic surgery of the time can't fully repair her Fox starlet looks. Would she have slunk off into obscurity? Maybe, maybe not. But it's a pretty good bet that, famous or n read more