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Two, Two, Two Posts in One!
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jul 1, 2014
Well, yesterday's mystery was no puzzle at all to the Café's discerning readership, and while I truly wish I could triumphantly announce that she was in fact Mary Ann Mobley - or even Gloria Huddle (thank you, George!) - she was, of course... None other than this familiar lady, Miss Dixie Carter. read more

Shameless Sunday Camp Explosion: Streetwise
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jun 29, 2014
Some days you wake up knowing that what you need is a good dose of Constance Bennett singing and dancing.
Oh, they're rare, I grant you, but just in case you've been itching for that kind of thing, here it is. It's "The Boulevard of Broken Dreams," from 1934's Moulin Rouge (no relation to the read more

Shameless Sunday Camp Explosion: Streetwise
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jun 29, 2014
Some days you wake up knowing that what you need is a good dose of Constance Bennett singing and dancing.
Oh, they're rare, I grant you, but just in case you've been itching for that kind of thing, here it is. It's "The Boulevard of Broken Dreams," from 1934's Moulin Rouge (no relation to the read more

Million Dollar Baby
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jun 24, 2014
I don't know about you, but I don't think I've ever seen her looking so glamourous.
Today marks an interesting anniversary in Hollywoodland - on this day just 98 years ago, this fetching creature signed the film colony's first million-dollar contract, one that made her for a while not only the most read more

Million Dollar Baby
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jun 24, 2014
I don't know about you, but I don't think I've ever seen her looking so glamourous.
Today marks an interesting anniversary in Hollywoodland - on this day just 98 years ago, this fetching creature signed the film colony's first million-dollar contract, one that made her for a while not only the most read more

Birthday Boy (and Others): Fame, it is Fleeting
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jun 20, 2014
A roundabout tribute to today's birthday boy, and one that leads to thinking about some others who share the date...
Today, you see, is the birthday of Errol Flynn, and the song sung here by the infinitely marvelous Miss Barbara Cook bears his name. Flynn may still be a household name, of sor read more

Birthday Boy (and Others): Fame, it is Fleeting
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jun 20, 2014
A roundabout tribute to today's birthday boy, and one that leads to thinking about some others who share the date...
Today, you see, is the birthday of Errol Flynn, and the song sung here by the infinitely marvelous Miss Barbara Cook bears his name. Flynn may still be a household name, of sor read more

What's My Wednesday? #6: Sweet Mystery
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jun 18, 2014
Today's mystery challenger (and Birthday Girl - an I'm sure still elegant 111) may now be the most unfashionable of Hollywood greats, but she nonetheless gets that satisfying murmur of appreciation from the audience as she she appears...
By the time she was on What's My Line? (In December of 1952), read more

What's My Wednesday? #6: Sweet Mystery
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jun 18, 2014
Today's mystery challenger (and Birthday Girl - an I'm sure still elegant 111) may now be the most unfashionable of Hollywood greats, but she nonetheless gets that satisfying murmur of appreciation from the audience as she she appears...
By the time she was on What's My Line? (In December of 1952), read more

Shameless Saturday Camp Explosion: Wasted on the Young
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jun 14, 2014
Some musical numbers remind one why some people detest musicals; here, I suspect, we have one of those.
"Youth Must Have its Fling," a gala moment from 1943's The Hard Way, showcases the many talents of Warners' house ingenue at the time, Miss Joan Leslie. The only problem with that on a conc read more

Shameless Saturday Camp Explosion: Wasted on the Young
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jun 14, 2014
Some musical numbers remind one why some people detest musicals; here, I suspect, we have one of those.
"Youth Must Have its Fling," a gala moment from 1943's The Hard Way, showcases the many talents of Warners' house ingenue at the time, Miss Joan Leslie. The only problem with that on a conc read more

Birthday Girl: a Little Song and Dance
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jun 10, 2014
Miss Hattie McDaniel would have been 119 today. In her honor, let's give ourselves a little present.
Here she is doing something she too rarely got the chance to do: cut loose. She presides over this number in a way that shows off the years of touring she did between the First Wor read more

Birthday Girl: a Little Song and Dance
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jun 10, 2014
Miss Hattie McDaniel would have been 119 today. In her honor, let's give ourselves a little present.
Here she is doing something she too rarely got the chance to do: cut loose. She presides over this number in a way that nicely shows off the years of touring she did between the Fi read more

Beautiful Dreamer
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jun 9, 2014
I feel like it's been ages since we've shared a Garbo moment...
When life gets particularly annoying (as it is at the moment), sometimes it helps, and a lot, simply to look at something as beautiful as this. It's as close as I get to meditation, really... read more

Beautiful Dreamer
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jun 9, 2014
I feel like it's been ages since we've shared a Garbo moment...
When life gets particularly annoying (as it is at the moment), sometimes it helps, and a lot, simply to look at something as beautiful as this. It's as close as I get to meditation, really... read more

Glamour: a Reminder
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on May 27, 2014
Hollywood, California, 59 years ago today: Miss Edith Head revels in her own personal fabulousness - and (as was its wont) Life was there.
Oh, I know, I know - she couldn't sketch, she couldn't drape, she couldn't sew. But the fact remains that she made the stars look good, and some of read more

Glamour: a Reminder
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on May 27, 2014
Hollywood, California, 59 years ago today: Miss Edith Head revels in her own personal fabulousness - and (as was its wont) Life was there.
Oh, I know, I know - she couldn't sketch, she couldn't drape, she couldn't sew. But the fact remains that she made the stars look good, and some of read more

Birthday Boy: Leading Man
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on May 16, 2014
Some actors - like today's birthday boy (he would have been 109) - have images so seemingly immutable that it is simply disconcerting to discover that they didn't spring from the womb square-jawed and craggy. For example, Henry Fonda started out a juvenile, and a really rather pallid one at th read more

Birthday Boy: Leading Man
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on May 16, 2014
Some actors - like today's birthday boy (he would have been 109) - have images so seemingly immutable that it is simply disconcerting to discover that they didn't spring from the womb square-jawed and craggy. For example, Henry Fonda started out a juvenile, and a really rather pallid one at th read more

Where Were You?
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Apr 23, 2014
Technically speaking, I wasn't, yet, at all on the night of Sunday, April 23, 1961 - 53 years ago tonight - but nonetheless I know where I would have wanted to be.
It's also the day on which we celebrate Shakespeare's birthday (450 this year, as I'm sure you've read or heard today), so may be there read more