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South of the [Diva] Border
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 11, 2008
Still on the road, darlings, but I thought you might enjoy this quite extraordinary tribute to the tempestuous goddess of Mexican film, the late, great María Félix . She runs through the whole canon of temperament in just five minutes - languishing, sulking, slapping, smoking, Making Entranc read more

Him Tarzan
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 10, 2008
Faces weren't all they had then... read more

Ladies and their Tigers (and Spots, and Fluffies...)
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 9, 2008
What accessory is more versatile, offstage or on, than the right animal? Generations of stars have known it, from Josephine Baker, who heightened her exoticism in Parisian eyes by walking in the Bois with her pet cheetah...To Kim Novak, whose innate chilliness was only enhanced by the presence of a read more

Tokyo Travestie
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 7, 2008
A recent post over at Stirred Straight Up brought to light of day the career of 60s novelty singing act the Kim Sisters. They are visions of Oriental Glamour - and they play the marimba. What more could one ask?
Well, what their demented lounge act called to my mind was something even rich and s read more

It's not a Dream...
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 4, 2008
Marguerite: It's you. It's not a dream.Armand: No, it's not a dream. I'm here with you in my arms, at last.Marguerite: At last.Armand: You're weak.Marguerite: No, no. Strong. It's my heart. It's not used to being happy. I think the highlight of this week's orgy of movie-watching was revisiting, for read more

Women on the Verge
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 2, 2008
Mr. Muscato has been traveling this week, so I've been spending my evenings revisiting some old favorite pictures (there are only so many he'll put up with, and God knows he puts up with enough else that I don't say a word).In any case, last night at the Living Room Rivoli, I took in Gold Diggers of read more

My Forgotten Man
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 2, 2008
It suddenly occurred to me, after all that, that you might like a look for yourself. Blessings on YouTube, for here it is: The "Remember My Forgotten Man" number, complete with the abrupt ending that must have startled filmgoers more used to cozy fadeouts in the style of 42nd St read more

Something's Cooking
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 1, 2008
Meet the Café's latest sous chef. Bollywood superstar Upen Patel asks: would you like a little peanut sauce with your satay?And all I can add is: who wouldn't? read more

Eid Mubarak!
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 1, 2008
Why don't we celebrate the end of Ramadan - the Eid al-Fitr - with a little East-Meets-West mashup?Here we have the great star Samia Gamal - a kind of Ann Miller of the Nile, and a very big deal in the 1950s and 60s - practicing her art to the unlikely strains of Taco's "Puttin' read more

The Wonder of Roz, or Life as a Banquet
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Sep 29, 2008
Rosalind Russell ended her career one of the Biggest of the Big - Wonderful Town's gala Ruth, Auntie Mame, Mama Rose.I kind of love, though, that she spent so long paying her dues. It took the Hollywood bigwigs a good five years to realize that their serious dark-haired leading lady was actually a g read more

Farewell to a Class Act
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Sep 27, 2008
When stars like Paul Newman die, the world is made a little duller. From start to finish, Newman was both a Movie Star (in caps) and an actor's actor, at home in Tennessee Williams and art films (heartbreaking in Mr. and Mrs. Bridge) and at the same time capable of making real entertainment out of s read more

Avast, There!
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Sep 26, 2008
Mr. Tyrone Power could give that young Depp puppy a lesson or two on suiting up (or not) for a pirate picture. Or for being a barback at The Saint.Either way, it is, in its own fashion, a timeless look, no? read more