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And For Her Next Number...
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Nov 16, 2008
Another fab moment from the vaults of Hollywood on the Nile: the uninhibited Miss Hind Rostom is seen here in one of her great hits, 1963's Shafiqa the Copt. With a cast of jaunty chorus boys, an enthusiastic audience, and a coterie of acolytes in the arts of raqs sharqi, know read more

Bollywood Beefcake Alert!
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Nov 15, 2008
Back from a highly amusing trip, more of which anon. One thing that caught my eye - you'll see quite clearly why - were the omnipresent advertisements in the nearby princedoms, the scenic Emirates of Ajman and Sharjah (or Dubai's Newark and Camden, as we tend to think of them here) for a new epic of read more

In Dreams...
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Nov 10, 2008
Stumbling about the web, I recently came across this picture; it's of the movie house, or at least the big surviving movie house, in my hometown. They say it's just been restored, but it's just how I remember it. I suppose an argument could be made that the fact that this place is a landmark in my read more

The Fickle Finger of Fame
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Nov 9, 2008
For movie moguls, one of the most infuriating things about their work must have been that the raw material of their industrial-line product was so mercurial. Stardom, despite the best efforts of all concerned, simply couldn't be manufactured.All the money in the world couldn't turn Anna Sten into Ga read more

Portrait of a Shady Lady
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Nov 8, 2008
She may have ended her life as one of the screen's beloved characters, a second-tier, more rough-and-tumble Jessica Tandy, but in her youth Sylvia Sidney was something of a fast baggage and, as we see here, not without her charms. These she did not hesitate to use, parlaying a romance with Paramount read more

(Sad) Birthday Girl: She was a Winner...
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Nov 8, 2008
110 today is silent siren Marie Prevost, seen here at the height of her considerable charm.A top star for half-a-dozen years in the early and mid-20s, Marie had a saucy gleam and a terrific figure; even in a getup as bizarre as this, she seems oddly contemporary. Sadly, the coming of sound, the bott read more

Stars on the Rocks
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Nov 5, 2008
Well, not so much a lover, actually, as a cocktail.And really not so much a cocktail as a fifth of gin. Or two.(And the author bears my brand new nom de scandale: B.J. DuCharme. I'm sure it is.) read more

Our Modern Maniacs
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Nov 3, 2008
Or, the Scary Grinning Psychotic Head of Joan Crawford effortlessly subdues her Blonde Upstart Rivals.Curious. It's usually the photos of Old Joan that are this disturbing. read more

Grande Dame Guignol
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 31, 2008
Happy Hallowe'en! TJB has already heralded the holiday by bringing to mind one of Hollywood's scariest phenomena: the auto-trashing of stardom that many of Hollywood's biggest ladies participated in once their careers were heading to the far side of the arc of fame. The biggest stars dove in first, read more

The Darlings of Cinema
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 31, 2008
Róisín Murphy's "Movie Star" has been a major iPod favorite for months now, but only today did I think to track down the video. I suppose everyone else in the world has seen this endlessly, but it seems to me an excellent way to close out Hallowe'en.It is anarchic, gleeful, mar read more

Identity Crises of the Stars
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 28, 2008
Sometimes whole weeks would go by in 1940 when Ann Sothern wasn't entirely sure that she hadn't started drifting into an uneasy compromise halfway between Joan Crawford and Rosalind Russell.But then she would give herself a good shake and visualize the glorious future that would take her out the B U read more

Reminder: Her Name is Bette Davis
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 27, 2008
You could have just as easily convinced me that it was Charles Pierce. read more

Birthday Goddess: The Queen
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 26, 2008
She popped by the Café quite by accident a couple of days ago, but just now it's come to my attention that today marks what would have been Mahalia Jackson's 97th birthday."The Queen of Gospel" had a truly uncanny voice, one that could boom like thunder one second and be as inti read more

Birthday Boy: AARP Division
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 24, 2008
The infinitely alluring Mr. Kevin Kline turns 61 today. This seems quite impossible.Thank heaven I've always had a thing for older men... read more

In a Kingdom by the Sea
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 21, 2008
"The Kings of Hollywood," by Slim Aarons, 1957Proof positive that Old Hollywood had it nailed, glamourwise: even Van Heflin looks fab, although I think Coop may have had a drop too much. Wouldn't you like to have spent New Year's Eve at Romanoff's, once upon a time? read more

Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 20, 2008
Egyptians are mad about movies, and the big stars of the Egyptian cinema are revered by the general public in the way that more rarefied circles in the West feel about Garbo, Davis, Gable, and Bogart.They love the triumphs, and almost as much they revel masochistically in the tragedies. Just about t read more

Top-Billed Trollop
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 20, 2008
I've never seen this one, but it certainly looks vivid enough on paper. The casting is ... diverse. It's as if one day Paramount decided to make a movie starring the first dozen or so people into the commissary on a given Tuesday.Heading the bill is the Paris Hilton of the 1920s, the inexplicably read more

Such a Nuisance!
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 19, 2008
Will someone please remind Bollywood superstar Upen Patel that I am a happily married man? Just because we've let him into the kitchen doesn't give him the right to haunt my dreams! read more

Birthday Girl: The Fallen Star
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 19, 2008
Happy birthday to silent siren Evelyn Brent, born today 109 years ago.In 1928, chances are that if you asked a passer-by to name a big film star, Evelyn might have been in the top five or six responses. She had a kind of reserve, a stillness, that served her well in the lavish late-20s dramas in whi read more

Three Smart Girls
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 17, 2008
Some images perfectly capture the moment they were taken; this is one. Eisenstadt snapped these three at a party in Berlin in 1929, when the most famous of them was the woman in the middle: Anna May Wong.
On the left, of course is Dietrich, who by that point had been toiling away for the better of read more