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They Met at MGM
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jan 3, 2009
Aren't they spectacular? That's what stars look like, kids. What I don't understand is how they could have made a picture together that I have literally never heard of. Granted, it's not reputed to be in the top few of either of their oeuvres, but still: it's Roz and Clark. Not to mention Peter read more

A Word to the Wise
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Dec 31, 2008
For those planning a festive night out, remember:Beware the Truth Seekers. And the Givers. read more

Pola, Schatze, and Loco
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Dec 30, 2008
I have to admit: when I first moved to New York, I considered How to Marry a Millionaire something of a user's guide to the city. It's so practical!These days, I just find myself murmuring the director's name as a kind of soothing mantra: Jean Negulesco, Jean Negulesco, Jean Negulesco... read more

(Not) at the Movies
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Dec 28, 2008
Our little capital's dilatory film calendar means we've not yet had the pleasure of not seeing Valkyrie, which despite its less-horrendous-than-expected reviews still seems like a must-miss to me. It does present the opportunity, though, to make a wholehearted book recommendation.If you want to fin read more

Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Dec 27, 2008
...Exactly whom, do you suppose, at the studio (and it looks like her Warner's days) did Miss Eve Arden piss off so royally (you should pardon the expression) that she had to spend a morning at the portrait gallery in that getup?As the fabulous Mr. Ethan Mordden once observed of an ensemble of Miss read more

Birthday Lady: A Helluva Christmas Gift
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Dec 24, 2008
On Christmas Eve 1922, Ava Gardner joined this low world and made it, somehow, for 67 years more radiant, more extraordinary. She was the unlikely product of a poor Southern family, so extravagantly beautiful that really she had no choice but to become an international film star. She was not, perhap read more

Birthday Girl: Singing, Dancing, Laughing Lady
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Dec 19, 2008
Today marks the birth of one of Hollywood's Great Ladies, the versatile Miss Irene Dunne. She's seen above, for some reason, apparently doing an Olivia de Havilland impression in an outfit that's so '40s that it looks like a parody.Dunne shone, almost equally, in weepie soapers like Back Street and read more

A Moment in Time
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Dec 13, 2008
A day to remember: exactly 54 years ago today, Angela Lansbury had a hamburger with Basil Rathbone, at lunch in the Paramount commissary. It looks like Basil may be having liver.Have I mentioned how much I adore having the Life archive available online? read more

When Worlds Collide...
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Dec 12, 2008
..the results can be fabulous! From India comes a breath of much-needed good news: Australian thrush Miss Kylie Minogue may be heading Bollywood-way! It's a combination of sensibilities that can only herald unprecedented amounts of sequins, staircase-numbers, and general, world-economic-collapse-def read more

Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Dec 11, 2008
The headine on this story in the Telegraph read "Kidman Dazzles at Australia's London Premiere". That's as may be; my first thought was, "Oh - yeah. There is someone else in that picture with Hugh. What?" Don't get me wrong; she does look good, and, for her, almost lifelike. But Hugh...Upen Pate read more

She's So Lovely
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Dec 10, 2008
Gena Rowlands, of course. By Gordon Parks. read more

Birth of a New Tradition
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Dec 7, 2008
"Honestly, Irving, I don't see what you're getting so worked up about. Your mother? For God's sake, you can just tell your mother it's something else. Oh, I don't know ... some kind of - Chanukah bush! That's it!" read more

Who's That Girl?
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Dec 2, 2008
Every once in a while, I'll realize that there is more to Hollywood than perhaps I'll ever learn. It's nice, I suppose, to know that there are still some surprises.Today, for example, I was channel-flipping (scandalously home mid-afternoon, touch of the tummy darlings, very boring) and came across t read more

Why Don't You...
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Nov 29, 2008
Reconsider shag? Jayne certainly did. Real stars don't worry about mildew. read more

Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Nov 22, 2008
I was dismayed that the very first guesser of our mystery dowager, the very clever Dirky-Do, was spot-on: the imposing lady above is indeed Sophia Loren, done up rather impressively for the 1965 epic Lady L, a charming-sounding Continental romp in which she plays an 80-year old lady with a past, opp read more

26 Movies
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Nov 22, 2008
The evil incarnate that is Mr. Peenee has tagged me with Blog Cabin's Alphabet Meme, under the draconian rules of which I am obliged to list a favorite picture for every letter of the alphabet, ignoring initial articles, filing numbers by first letter, and providing a link back to Blog Cabins.Being read more

And Now For Something Completely Different
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Nov 21, 2008
I've started to worry, just a little, that the Café might be getting a tad tame, a shade obsessed with dowagers, elderly royalty, and a queeny obsession with Great Lady stars.So, for a change of pace, I give you:Steve McQueen's butt.It would mark a significant butching-up of things around here - if read more

...Just the Perfect Blendship
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Nov 18, 2008
Oh, the things I do for my Gentle Readers! Fired by the encouragement of Thombeau and others, Mr. Muscato and I and a select little theatre party sallied out last night to our local picture palace and caught - to our delight- Dostana.You may remember my surprise about this film's ubiquity on our rec read more