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It's a Look
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jul 23, 2009
I know these early snaps have already been all over the 'net, harbingers of Mr. Burton's upcoming interpretation of Alice in Wonderland. I'm particularly taken by this one, his lady-love Miss Bonham-Carter (and not everyone, ducks, can do two hyphenated phrases in a row) as the Red Queen.I think I a read more

Silent Drama
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jul 22, 2009
Normally, I find the intertitle cards in silent movies intrusive and distracting. Sometimes, though, especially in isolation, they prove far more interesting than the situations from which they were extracted ever could have been.And haven't we all had that moment, once or twice? read more

Trailer Trash: Here She Comes
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jul 21, 2009
If there is any proof at all that even the best drugs only do so much, it is the quite extraordinary version of the 1927 silent classic Metropolis that disco overlord Giorgio Moroder brought to birth in 1984. Moroder took one of the most visually overwrought and (thanks to gener read more

Go Ask Alice
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jul 18, 2009
Alice! Alice Blue Gown; to the Moon, Alice! And, of course, that dangerously curious Alice whose penchant for going down holes and passing through mirrors got her into such scrapes. Alices take many forms...Mia, it turned out, had every reason to look this wary while playing Woody Allen's Alice. Now read more

Birthday Girl: On Her Toes
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jul 16, 2009
The one and only Ginger Rogers would have been 99 today. Just because it's trite doesn't mean it's not true: anything Fred could do, Ginger did backwards in heels. Having had to do one or two things backwards in heels in my time (yes, I've gotten around, children), I've always found her an inspir read more

Allons, Enfants
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jul 14, 2009
I don't know that there's a more stirring scene in all of Movieland. Still and always makes me bawl. Happy Bastille Day! read more

Hong Kong Carmen
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jul 10, 2009
Eastern superstar Grace Chang sizzles in this number from her 1961 epic The Wild, Wild Rose. She's equal parts Anna May Wong and Kathryn Grayson, with just a twist of Eartha Kitt here and there. Enjoy... read more

No, No, Nanette!
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jul 10, 2009
It seems to me that Nanette Fabray always gives the impression that she's waiting for her song cue. And actually, I think that's a very good thing. read more

Darling Daughters
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jul 9, 2009
Everybody's somebody's baby... Being a dancing daughter is what first set Joan's career on the right path... ...But being B.F.'s didn't do much for B.S.'s - how can she have made so many movies one has never even heard of? I'm going to make a wild guess that Coburn was B.F. I don't believe this one read more

Trailer Trash: Ease on Down
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jul 8, 2009
Here's a picture that had it all: big stars, a hit Broadway show, infinite reservoirs of goodwill from the source material, and a hip disco sound.Unfortunately, in having it all, it also had all you can think of go wrong - Sid & Marty Krofft-calibre costumes; a cheesy neo-Me read more

Something Spiteful and Elegant
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jul 6, 2009
I just happened home, after a latish evening out (business party - is there any drearier phrase?), to find some odd station showing BUtterfield 8. What a strange, awkward, weirdly moving film.The picture may all fall apart at the end, but the ten minutes of pantomime that open it should have put to read more

Trailer Trash: On the Brink of Something Fantastic
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jun 29, 2009
It just seems appropriate. She was sensational. Come to think of it, I think I saw her a couple of times at the parade, too... read more

The Heavens Over Berlin...
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jun 28, 2009
...were once full of stars. Some were born there, some passed through; some lingered long, some burned out young or moved too close to black holes artistic or political. You still feel them, at times, in the streets here, in the makeup of old women and the attitudes of young girls...Pola, once a ser read more

Trailer Trash: No Pinkies?!
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jun 9, 2009
Three decades before Mel Brooks took on Broadway (and triumphed, at least the first time out of the gate), Rialto favorite Neil Simon decided to tread the Brooksian route with a spoof of classic Hollywood whodunits. The result, Murder by Death, may not be a great film, but it ha read more

Girls Get Around
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jun 8, 2009
Dottie's a girl on the town - all over town... While Bette's keeping it real on the West Side. Goldie's stirring things up just a little further East (note to self: Hal Holbrook, astonishingly, didn't always look like Mark Twain. This may require further investigation)... And girls in the Deep South read more

Great Moments in Sexploitation
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jun 6, 2009
You know, I would have sworn that I myself have been out in the territory Beyond Booze, but for the life of me I don't remember ever having ended up frugging in an all-in-one next to Mr. Birnbaum from Accounting.But maybe that's the point... read more

Angels of Mercy
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jun 4, 2009
Nurses on film get kind of a bum rap. They're either insufferably noble: (Neagle, Robson, Oliver, Pitts - add in Dressler and you would have had a festival of comedy dowagers trying to act serious)Or they're the biggest sluts this side of stewardesses: It's a serious profession, but movies always se read more

Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jun 3, 2009
Sothern. As if there were any question.Is it possible that, despite never having made a great film (possible exception: Letter to Three Wives) or played a truly great role (can Maisie really count?), that she was the most fabulous of them all? The boys in the stills gallery say yes. read more

Trailer Trash: The Singing Baroness
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jun 1, 2009
Interrupted Melody is a gorgeous guilty pleasure - a surefire mix of to-die-for sets, fab stage and "real life" costumes (check out the fur-trimmed hostess gown at 1:46), Eleanor Parker's emoting, Eileen Farrell's voice, and "Over the Rainbow", all of it captured in glorious Cin read more

Gender Euphoria II
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on May 30, 2009
It look like we can add the divine Rudolph Valentino to the short list of exceedingly handsome men who can, against all odds, sport a turban and serious jewels and still retain more than a shred of masculinity. Actually, Rudy looks butcher here than he often did in far more conventional getups. Th read more