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Dammit! Start Again
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 6, 2009
A pleasant reminder that our Hollywood idols were all too mortal, with the added surprise that the often foul-mouthed Miss Francis was by far the most demure of these befuddled thesps. Miss Davis gives us the very edge of an F-bomb, and the future Mrs. Reagan I has a moment or t read more

Queens For Just One Day
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 4, 2009
...And of some mighty strange realms... Say what you will about the scantiness of jungle fashions - this is one queen who's found a volumizer that really works for her. As for this one, I have no idea what's going on, but I really, really want to see it. If nothing else, the "proudly presents" is bo read more

Dangerous Liaison
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 2, 2009
Oh, I think Jill can take care of herself. After all, we've all run into the occasional phony Prince along the bumpy road to love, haven't we? read more

Oh, Kay!
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Sep 30, 2009
Miss Francis, just because we haven't seen her in a while. Seen here in one of her Pre-Code successes, although, judging from her expression, perhaps she's had a troubling glimpse into her future... read more

File Under "Exposition, Needlessly Complex"
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Sep 19, 2009
Not to mention "Interrogatives, mispunctuated." read more

When it Comes to Happiness...
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Sep 19, 2009
I don't care; this is the kind of thing in the face of which I'm perfectly helpless. As so often, though, if you pay too much attention, it grows deeper and, inevitably, darker. Happy go lucky? Sometimes. Her own superintendent? Rarely, and least of all here, a star on the ascen read more

No Thank You Please, Mr. Robinson...
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Sep 15, 2009
I have to say that, crazy as I am for alternate foreign-language titles for famous films (and the often fabulous posters that accompany them), when I think Perversidad, Edward G. Robinson is pretty much the last thing I want to pop into my mind. read more

From Bod to Worse
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Sep 11, 2009
Lorna, poor thing, thinks she's the star, but as usual, it's all about the Beejay. read more

Queens for Today: Yes, They're Cousins
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 31, 2009
This is one of the movies that, having caught it on the Movie of the Week as a child and thought it wonderful, I've never had the nerve to watch since in case it doesn't measure up. With two ladies like this, though, and from what I remember a very fetching Timothy Dalton in a 16th-century nightshir read more

The Female of the Species
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 29, 2009
Well, we've looked at various Daughters, Girls, and Women, so it seems almost inevitable to go down this little memory-lane, perhaps the most sordid of them all... For a long time, but never more than during the sublimely trashy era between the nudie-cuties and the rise of videotape, "female" was mo read more

Alternate Reality
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 26, 2009
Hmmm. Had this film been a success, Gloria might have been the second Mrs. Joseph Kennedy, there never would have been a Sunset Boulevard (or, for that matter, a Killer Bees), and the kids would have been so busy helping Rose nurse her grudge that none of them would have had time for politics, any read more

Trailer Trash: They Say Someday You'll Find...
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 25, 2009
Actually, pretty much the very reverse of trash, I know, but I'm in a FredandGinger mood, so indulge me.Roberta is just about my favorite of their pictures - not the best, necessarily, or the most lavish, but just the one that somehow gets its right. It's startling to be remind read more

Queen for Today: Katharine of Aquitaine
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 22, 2009
"I dressed my maids as Amazons and rode bare-breasted halfway to Damascus. Louis had a seizure and I damn near died of windburn... but the troops were dazzled..."Monarchs have long provided the Big Hollywood Ladies with some of their plummiest roles - it's a tradition that dates back at least as far read more

Trailer Trash: un ataque de nervios
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 18, 2009
For no better reason than that I took its name in vain earlier today, I thought we'd check in with one of the genuine masterpieces of '80s filmmaking, especially teasing here with its glimpses of divinities like La Maura and the exquisite Rossy, along with the now-seems-impossib read more

Women on the Verge
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 17, 2009
...Of serious and major transformations:Into a predatory insect, for example. I had a boss once who'd been Susan Cabot's roommate once when they both trying to Make It There - now there's a Terrible Hollywood Story. Susan's, that is, not my boss's (she ended up in Mexican movies and married a Philad read more

"Bombs Falling from the Skies Again..."
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 16, 2009
This disturbing little fever dream - Fred and Ginger seen through a funhouse mirror - is actually fairly innocuous - until you discover that it was filmed in 1944. In Berlin. Yes, it's "Ich Warte Auf Dich," the glam finale from Die Frau meiner Träume, the second-to-last film read more

Mirror, Mirror
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 13, 2009
Dear Mr. Cary Grant can be forgiven a moment's narcissism. Were that what was staring back at me in the mirror, I'm not sure I'd ever leave the house. read more

Trailer Trash: "Trust Me, I'm a Doctor..."
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 7, 2009
Richard O'Brien's Shock Treatment landed with a dull thud on release in 1981; this semi-sequel to Rocky Horror didn't please that film's rabid fan base and failed to find one of its own, hampered by one of those seemed-like-a-good-idea marketing concepts, screening the movie onl read more

Pictures at an Exhibition
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 2, 2009
You ought to be in pictures - but perhaps not these pictures...Not, one would have thought, the most promising material for a hit film - when it comes to screenplays, James Joyce is no Jane Austen. While I'm afraid you couldn't pay me for a portrait of either Palance or Steiger, as hitmen or pretty read more

Accept No Substitutes
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jul 28, 2009
Sometimes it proves impossible to improve on an original. Many have tried, but none have filled the shoes of the original Latin Lover, the immortal Rudolph Valentino.Generally, it's been those who've actually impersonated him who've fallen furthest short...Being a genuine heartthrob in his own right read more