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Dark Lady Laughs...
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Feb 23, 2012
...and lights her candles one by one - 123 of them, actually, for today is the birthday of French cinema's seminal femme fatale, the enchantingly mononymous Musidora.
The original Irma Vep gave Theda Bara (and how often do you get two anagrammatical names in one sentence? This kin read more

Venus in Furs (and Feathers and Diamonds)
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Feb 7, 2012
Miss Crawford, just because. Utterly resplendent in her self regard. Not to mention her oddly endearing Mamie gloves, a surprising indication that, apparently, in Joan's world, this is daywear. read more

The Last Flapper
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jan 31, 2012
I just came across a remarkable obituary in that staple of the almost lost art of writing them, The Telegraph. Would you believe - and I very nearly don't - that the limpid-eyed young lady above has only just left us this month? She was the euphoniously named Frederica Sagor Maas, and at the time of read more

When Worlds Collide
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Mar 8, 2010
So we're sitting home tonight, Mr. Muscato and I, watching that award-handing-out thingummy that y'all back there in civilization caught last night. Mostly what I'm thinking is, "Hmmm. Not all that interesting, the current crop of WAMPAS Baby Stars, are they?" Also, "What is George Clooney on and wh read more

(Not) At The Movies
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Mar 5, 2010
So apparently the Oscars are this weekend. Living in a country with, on a good day, three movie screens showing films not made in Bombay or Cairo, and most of those featuring things blowing up, it's easy to fall out of the habit of keeping up with Film Today, and I'm afraid I have.I realized, in fac read more

Thieves in the Night
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Mar 1, 2010
One of the surprises of running the Café, I've discovered, is that despite being only at best intermittently about topics local, we still quite steady draw traffic from Gentle Readers here in our little Sultanate.I therefore take the liberty of appealing to those in this part of the world who haven' read more

What Do You Go For?
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Feb 19, 2010
I've been flying solo these last couple of days, with Mr. Muscato on the road for business. As usual in such situations, I have dived into the voluminous Villa Muscato film archive, taking advantage of temporary bachelordom to catch up on various obsessions that the two of us ma read more

The Life That Late She Led
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Feb 19, 2010
The ranks of Hollywood royalty have thinned just a little this week, with the passing to Fabulon of MGM's prestige soprano of the early '50s, Miss Kathryn Grayson. Her brand of wholesome, high-brow appeal - a slightly too sweet amalgam of coloratura and cleavage - may not have aged particularly wel read more

Can't Help It
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Feb 16, 2010
I finally got around this week to watching a Christmas gift - the 1993 documentary The Wonderful, Horrible Life of Leni Riefenstahl.The film is far more than the story of Hitler's favorite filmmaker, the woman whose rollercoaster career took her from silent stardom in the now unwatchable genre of Ge read more

Birthday Boy: Butch
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Feb 15, 2010
Latin lothario Cesar Romero would have been 103 today; we catch him here making a radio appearance (and rocking a dashingly bearded look) with now-forgotten early-thirties screen favorite Sally Eilers.Romero's was a fun career - steady work certainly, with 60-odd pictures behind him before he went i read more

Head over Heels
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Feb 9, 2010
Well, I don't quite know what's gotten into dear Mr. Victor Mature, but he certainly seems to be enjoying himself. Almost, judging by that expression, a little too much... read more

The Joy Girl
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Feb 8, 2010
Olive Borden is just be a shadow of a name today, a briefly popular young actress given one of her era's ridiculous nicknames (she was "The Joy Girl" of 1927 just as Ann Sheridan a decade or so later was "The Oomph Girl."). She lived hard, married badly, and drifted out of the public eye. Hers is s read more

Best Line Ever
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jan 31, 2010
"You haf booped your lest boop." *Lugosi has gotten a lot of respect in recent years as the Great Thespian Done Wrong by Hollywood machinations, just as Ed Wood has gotten more than his share of props for "rescuing" the onetime Austro-Hungarian heartthrob and showing him some re read more

Housewife Superstar
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jan 19, 2010
Oh, dear - time in its flight; Edith Bunker is 87 years old today. Rather, of course, the great lady who played her, Jean Stapleton, has reached that great age.All in the Family and being Edith may have been what made Stapleton a household name, but real Jeanketeers love her best as another memorabl read more

Dreams Downtown
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jan 17, 2010
I've written about this place before, but I just came across these photos. This was my first dream palace, but of course these pictures come even before my time (rumours of my having played piano at the first screening of Way Down East being a gross libel), in 1949. Just look at that marquee. Just w read more

Happy Days
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jan 11, 2010
The Most Famous People in the World, Mary and Doug, rather mystifyingly enjoy a little canoeing in the pool at PickFair.So much of this image seems as vanished as if it never had been. Just think of it: in this photo, the two stars are presented as if frolicking outdoors; today, they would look over read more

Inglourious Molly Freak
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Dec 29, 2009
One of the joys of having longtime pal Miss Rheba out in our part of the world over these holidays - aside from her delightfully skewed take on much that we take for granted in this eccentric little Sultanate - has been resuming the marathon movie watching that has marked much of our friendship over read more

Birthday Girl: Leading Lady
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Nov 2, 2009
Let's wish a happy 117th birthday to dizzy screen favorite Alice Brady, seen here in her alternate incarnation as sophisticated stage star in a rather dazzling Steichen snap.Brady's career is a nice example of both the richness of casting available to the studios back in the day and the dilemma that read more

She Never Looked Lovelier
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 9, 2009
The jury's in, and the mystery's solved. Thanks to the mysterious "Anonymous" and seconded by dear normadesmond, it can be revealed that the Dark Lady of two days ago is none other than the favorite blonde of a Certain Newspaper Magnate, the resplendent (if at times chinny) Miss Marion Davies.Hearst read more