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Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Sep 9, 2012
63 years ago today, photographer Peter Stackpole captured for the readers of Life this rather intriguing moment in the homelife of Mr. Mario Lanza. I'm sure the very well set-up young gentleman on the mat is simply, as it were, encouraging the tenor to greater heights of physical fitness.
Wel read more

Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Sep 9, 2012
63 years ago today, photographer Peter Stackpole captured for the readers of Life this rather intriguing moment in the homelife of Mr. Mario Lanza. I'm sure the very well set-up young gentleman on the mat is simply, as it were, encouraging the tenor to greater heights of physical fitness.
Wel read more

Shameless Saturday Camp Explosion: Mrs. Hart Asks a Question
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Sep 8, 2012
Since we missed her birthday last Monday, I thought it might be nice to spend this week's SSCE in the always good company of dear Mrs. Moss Hart, née dear Miss Kitty Carlisle (well, actually née dear Miss Catherine Conn, but that's another story altogether). We meet here here read more

Shameless Saturday Camp Explosion: Mrs. Hart Asks a Question
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Sep 8, 2012
Since we missed her birthday last Monday, I thought it might be nice to spend this week's SSCE in the always good company of dear Mrs. Moss Hart, née dear Miss Kitty Carlisle (well, actually née dear Miss Catherine Conn, but that's another story altogether). We meet here here read more

Once upon a Time
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Sep 3, 2012
On September 3, 1951, Time rather oddly asked the question "Whatever become of 'It'?" directly below a tinted photograph of Miss Ava Gardner. I would say that she's the answer, with all due apologies to Miss Bow, in spades.
This was what a movie star looked like, 61 years ago. Think of read more

Once upon a Time
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Sep 3, 2012
On September 3, 1951, Time rather oddly asked the question "Whatever become of 'It'?" directly below a tinted photograph of Miss Ava Gardner. I would say that she's the answer, with all due apologies to Miss Bow, in spades.
This was what a movie star looked like, 61 years ago. Think of read more

Dinner Date
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 31, 2012
One knew, of course, that Miss de Havilland was born in Japan, but frankly I wouldn't have thought Miss Davis had a clue about chopsticks.
Do you suppose they stuck around for karaoke later on? Something tells me that's not Bette's first bottle of sake, so anything's possible read more

Dinner Date
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 31, 2012
One knew, of course, that Miss de Havilland was born in Japan, but frankly I wouldn't have thought Miss Davis had a clue about chopsticks.
Do you suppose they stuck around for karaoke later on? Something tells me that's not Bette's first bottle of sake, so anything's possible read more

Your Earworm for Wednesday
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 29, 2012
I know that I've already done this to your poor unsuspecting brains once this week, by resurrecting the lamentable but fatally catchy "Lucy in London," but I decided that since I'm now stuck with this one, you should be too.
You already would be, you see, if you watched read more

Your Earworm for Wednesday
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 29, 2012
I know that I've already done this to your poor unsuspecting brains once this week, by resurrecting the lamentable but fatally catchy "Lucy in London," but I decided that since I'm now stuck with this one, you should be too.
You already would be, you see, if you watched read more

Whatever Happened to...
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 25, 2012
...Fay Wray? Whatever it is, it clearly agrees with her. read more

Whatever Happened to...
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 25, 2012
...Fay Wray? Whatever it is, it clearly agrees with her. read more

Eastern Star
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 24, 2012
Even in these difficult, fragile times for my beloved adopted country, Egypt, some things give me hope. One of them is the still-flourishing career of this remarkable creature, the durable diva of the Nile Miss Nabila Ebeid. She's just finished starrring - and alongside th read more

Eastern Star
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 24, 2012
Even in these difficult, fragile times for my beloved adopted country, Egypt, some things give me hope. One of them is the still-flourishing career of this remarkable creature, the durable diva of the Nile Miss Nabila Ebeid. She's just finished starrring - and alongside th read more

Movie Night
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 20, 2012
So, we're back from our little jaunt, and as always after the flash of Dubai, it's nice to be home and lovely to be with the dogs.
A highlight of this trip turned out to be just staying in, as we spent the first part largely in the hotel for the end of Ramadan and then enjoyed that so much (we read more

Movie Night
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 20, 2012
So, we're back from our little jaunt, and as always after the flash of Dubai, it's nice to be home and lovely to be with the dogs.
A highlight of this trip turned out to be just staying in, as we spent the first part largely in the hotel for the end of Ramadan and then enjoyed that so much (we read more

Birthday Boy: The Greatest Showman on Earth
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 12, 2012
Today's birthday boy, who turns a youthful 131 today, is not in fact the glistening creature seen above; no, he is instead the director who gave birth to this and countless other memorable images and who, thanks in no small part to a movie in which he appeared but did not direct, is best remembered read more

Birthday Boy: The Greatest Showman on Earth
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 12, 2012
Today's birthday boy, who turns a youthful 131 today, is not in fact the glistening creature seen above; no, he is instead the director who gave birth to this and countless other memorable images and who, thanks in no small part to a movie in which he appeared but did not direct, is best remembered read more

Shameless Saturday Camp Explosion: Dream, Girls
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 11, 2012
The death this week of Tony Martin, MGM crooner and serial star-marryer (if two - Alice Faye and Cyd Charisse - can put him in that rank; it's not like he's a Mdivani or anything), provides the excuse for this week's SSCE. It's less obscure than most to date, but instead an opportuni read more

Shameless Saturday Camp Explosion: Dream, Girls
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 11, 2012
The death this week of Tony Martin, MGM crooner and serial star-marryer (if two - Alice Faye and Cyd Charisse - can put him in that rank; it's not like he's a Mdivani or anything), provides the excuse for this week's SSCE. It's less obscure than most to date, but instead an opportuni read more