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Never Jamwal Today
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Apr 11, 2013
In my endless quest to broaden your horizons,* you Philistines you, and remind you that there's a great wide world out there beyond Hollywood hegemony, I happened this morning across a name and face new to me. Instantly, I knew he was someone you, too, would want to know more about; he is one read more

Now it's Time...
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Apr 9, 2013
...to say goodbye. When I was a child (and the shows were in reruns - it was the late sixties, mind you, not the show's late-fifties heyday) this song used to make me cry. Watching it again last night, it came close to doing so again. Can you imagine any children's show today closi read more

Now it's Time...
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Apr 9, 2013
...to say goodbye. When I was a child (and the shows were in reruns - it was the late sixties, mind you, not the show's late-fifties heyday) this song used to make me cry. Watching it again last night, it came close to doing so again. Can you imagine any children's show today closi read more

The Story of a Divorce
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Apr 5, 2013
Today marks what would have been the 115th birthday of the "benevolent volcano," Miss Bette Davis. In the process of thinking about this august anniversary, I believe there's a chance I may have uncovered a little bit of a mystery, which I've found rather amusing.
In 1950, Miss Davis's birthd read more

The Story of a Divorce
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Apr 5, 2013
Today marks what would have been the 115th birthday of the "benevolent volcano," Miss Bette Davis. In the process of thinking about this august anniversary, I believe there's a chance I may have uncovered a little bit of a mystery, which I've found rather amusing.
In 1950, Miss Davis's birthd read more

Farewell to the Woman Behind the Men
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Apr 4, 2013
This being a ridiculous week, I've only just seen the obituary for Ruth Prawer Jhabvala, who went off in search of a room with a better view yesterday at the fine age of 85.
Jhabvala was the silent partner in the magical film duo-really-a-triad known as Merchant/Ivory, the writer whose work underpi read more

Farewell to the Woman Behind the Men
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Apr 4, 2013
This being a ridiculous week, I've only just seen the obituary for Ruth Prawer Jhabvala, who went off in search of a room with a better view yesterday at the fine age of 85.
Jhabvala was the silent partner in the magical film duo-really-a-triad known as Merchant/Ivory, the writer whose work underpi read more

Birthday Girl: Vamp until Ready
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Apr 1, 2013
Something like 119 years ago today (there is a little discreet confusion over the actual year of her birth), the world was made a little richer with the arrival in it of the baby who grew up to become notorious silent-film vamp Nita Naldi. We catch her here in full flight, relentlessly set on read more

Birthday Girl: Vamp until Ready
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Apr 1, 2013
Something like 119 years ago today (there is a little discreet confusion over the actual year of her birth), the world was made a little richer with the arrival in it of the baby who grew up to become notorious silent-film vamp Nita Naldi. We catch her here in full flight, relentlessly set on read more

Brooklyn Orchid, Hard-Boiled
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Mar 29, 2013
I love the Internet, and the random things it lets you discover. This afternoon, for no good reason except procrastination (I know, at a rational level, that those cupboards aren't going to clean themselves out. But I live in hope.), I was aimlessly surfing and somehow ended up doing an read more

Brooklyn Orchid, Hard-Boiled
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Mar 29, 2013
I love the Internet, and the random things it lets you discover. This afternoon, for no good reason except procrastination (I know, at a rational level, that those cupboards aren't going to clean themselves out. But I live in hope.), I was aimlessly surfing and somehow ended up doing an read more

They're No Angels
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Mar 26, 2013
In 1958, this was Oscar night in Hollywood, and the hit of the evening was a duet between this somewhat singular couple, Miss Mae West and Mr. Rock Hudson. We catch them here in rehearsal, and I think it's as close to an actual candid of Mae as ever I've seen.
The resulting number, a shambol read more

They're No Angels
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Mar 26, 2013
In 1958, this was Oscar night in Hollywood, and the hit of the evening was a duet between this somewhat singular couple, Miss Mae West and Mr. Rock Hudson. We catch them here in rehearsal, and I think it's as close to an actual candid of Mae as ever I've seen.
The resulting number, a shambol read more

¡Feliz Dia de San Patricio!
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Mar 17, 2013
Best wishes for the day, from me and from that slightly South-of-Celtic cutie, the vivacious Miss Olga San Juan. The "Puerto Rican Pepperpot" may seem one of the odder choices one can think of to pose high atop Fox's prop leprechaun hat (one wonders whether it did double duty for Thanksgiving, read more

¡Feliz Dia de San Patricio!
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Mar 17, 2013
Best wishes for the day, from me and from that slightly South-of-Celtic cutie, the vivacious Miss Olga San Juan. The "Puerto Rican Pepperpot" may seem one of the odder choices one can think of to pose high atop Fox's prop leprechaun hat (one wonders whether it did double duty for Thanksgiving, read more

Who's Afraid of Junie Moon?
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Mar 12, 2013
Playwright as Hot Clone
The Broadway Baby Goes Burlesque
It has to mean something that these two share a birthday - it just has to. They are the polar opposites of American showbiz - and yet I can't help but thinking there would be few more amazing nights out than some kind of Albee-Minne read more

Who's Afraid of Junie Moon?
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Mar 12, 2013
Playwright as Hot Clone
The Broadway Baby Goes Burlesque
It has to mean something that these two share a birthday - it just has to. They are the polar opposites of American showbiz - and yet I can't help but thinking there would be few more amazing nights out than some kind of Albee-Minne read more

Shameless Saturday Camp Explosion: Life Stories
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Mar 9, 2013
Camp is the glorification of "character."
- Susan Sontag, "Notes on Camp"
Miss Susan Hayward works her way through "Sing, You Sinners" in I'll Cry Tomorrow, her biopic of early Talkies casualty Lillian Roth. It's a number that it works perfectly well on its own - not least in regard to Miss read more

Shameless Saturday Camp Explosion: Life Stories
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Mar 9, 2013
Camp is the glorification of "character."
- Susan Sontag, "Notes on Camp"
Miss Susan Hayward works her way through "Sing, You Sinners" in I'll Cry Tomorrow, her biopic of early Talkies casualty Lillian Roth. It's a number that it works perfectly well on its own - not least in regard to Miss read more

Birthday Girl: A Name Below the Title
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Mar 8, 2013
Because it's her birthday today (she's 77, and still I'm sure a spritely presence), let's spend a moment thinking about Sue Ane Langdon. Who? Exactly. I'm always interested in the kind of performer who can work for years, and steadily, and even in high-profile vehicles (she made two Elvi read more