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O Eastern Star!
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 12, 2013
A momentous day today, a couple of millennia ago - an event that if nothing else has provided fuel for myth, legend, and a string of movies that have provided some truly over the top moments.
Yes, August 12 marks the death of Cleopatra VII Philopater, the last ruler of what we now think of as anci read more

There's No One Left to Fly the Plane
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 8, 2013
Karen Black, alas, has gone back to the Five and Dime.
Hers was an eccentric stardom, one possible, perhaps, only in the early '70s, when her off-kilter brand of sexy hysteria helped her score big in a series of zeitgeisty pictures - Easy Rider, Five Easy Pieces, Nashville - even as she became for read more

There's No One Left to Fly the Plane
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 8, 2013
Karen Black, alas, has gone back to the Five and Dime.
Hers was an eccentric stardom, one possible, perhaps, only in the early '70s, when her off-kilter brand of sexy hysteria helped her score big in a series of zeitgeisty pictures - Easy Rider, Five Easy Pieces, Nashville - even as she became for read more

Birthday Girl: A Very Good Witch
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 7, 2013
Life is mad these days, darlings, but just getting under the wire this evening to wish a very happy birthday to this fetching creature - dear Miss Billie Burke is 129 today.
A natural on stage, Burke rose quickly to theatrical stardom, and by the time she was in her mid-20s, she was the darling of read more

Birthday Girl: A Very Good Witch
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 7, 2013
Life is mad these days, darlings, but just getting under the wire this evening to wish a very happy birthday to this fetching creature - dear Miss Billie Burke is 129 today.
A natural on stage, Burke rose quickly to stage stardom, and by the time she was in her mid-20s, she was the darling of Broa read more

Another Fifteen Minutes for the Vagabond Lover
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 6, 2013
Have a spare couple million? If so, as has been widely reported this morning, this charming sketch could be yours.
The seller claims it's Rudy Vallee, and I suppose there's a resemblence to the crooner and sometime leading man, but much more to the point, he claims that it's by Andy Warhol read more

Another Fifteen Minutes for the Vagabond Lover
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 6, 2013
Have a spare couple million? If so, as has been widely reported this morning, this charming sketch could be yours.
The seller claims it's Rudy Vallee, and I suppose there's a resemblence to the crooner and sometime leading man, but much more to the point, he claims that it's by Andy Warhol read more

Shameless Saturday Camp Explosion: Zarah with a Zee
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 3, 2013
To emphasize style is to slight content, or to introduce an attitude which is neutral with respect to content. It goes without saying that the Camp sensibility is disengaged, depoliticized -- or at least apolitical.
- Susan Sontag, "Notes on Camp"
It struck me this morning that it's be read more

Shameless Saturday Camp Explosion: Zarah with a Zee
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 3, 2013
To emphasize style is to slight content, or to introduce an attitude which is neutral with respect to content. It goes without saying that the Camp sensibility is disengaged, depoliticized -- or at least apolitical.
- Susan Sontag, "Notes on Camp"
It struck me this morning that it's be read more

Birthday Girl: Flying High
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 2, 2013
Today's birthday girl apparently flew herself to Fabulon, but had she remained among us, she would be a doubtless glamourous 108.
There's not much that Myrna Loy couldn't do, but even so it's hard to imagine her as a pilot. Still, Hollywood had odder; aviatrix pictures were something of a pla read more

Birthday Girl: Flying High
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Aug 2, 2013
Today's birthday girl apparently flew herself to Fabulon, but had she remained among us, she would be a doubtless glamourous 108.
There's not much that Myrna Loy couldn't do, but even so it's hard to imagine her as a pilot. Still, Hollywood had odder; aviatrix pictures were something of a pla read more

Allons, Enfants!
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jul 30, 2013
The world's national anthems are a mixed bunch.
Sadly, that of my own homeland ranks far from the top by almost any measure - singability, the power to inspire, general elegance. Those of many of the post-colonial nations all too often sound like bits and pieces from forgotten operettas. &nbs read more

Allons, Enfants!
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jul 30, 2013
The world's national anthems are a mixed bunch.
Sadly, that of my own homeland ranks far from the top by almost any measure - singability, the power to inspire, general elegance. Those of many of the post-colonial nations all too often sound like bits and pieces from forgotten operettas. &nbs read more

73 is the New...
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jul 29, 2013
Because it's Ramadan, one of the biggest priorities in getting ourselves settled in our new little flat was making sure that we had access to Egyptian TV.
Keeping up, you see, with the annual flood of new programs that debut during the holiday month is a major, major priority of the season. read more

73 is the New...
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jul 29, 2013
Because it's Ramadan, one of the biggest priorities in getting ourselves settled in our new little flat was making sure that we had access to Egyptian TV.
Keeping up, you see, with the annual flood of new programs that debut during the holiday month is a major, major priority of the season. read more

Shameless Saturday Camp Explosion: Never Looked Lovelier
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jul 6, 2013
"...the way of Camp, is not in terms of beauty, but
in terms of the degree of artifice, of stylization."
- Susan Sontag, "Notes on Camp"
In terms of pure Camp, Marion Davies may be the greatest star in Hollywood history, on a very short list with the likes of Mae West (whose camp valu read more

Shameless Saturday Camp Explosion: Never Looked Lovelier
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jul 6, 2013
"...the way of Camp, is not in terms of beauty, but
in terms of the degree of artifice, of stylization."
- Susan Sontag, "Notes on Camp"
In terms of pure Camp, Marion Davies may be the greatest star in Hollywood history, on a very short list with the likes of Mae West (whose camp valu read more

Earth Angel(i)
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jun 9, 2013
On this day, June 9, 1955, Miss Pier Angeli was in all likelihood one of the two or three loveliest things in all of Los Angeles (as well looking far more interesting and engaging than, sadly, she was ever really able to do on film). And Life was there. Aren't we lucky? read more

Earth Angel(i)
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jun 9, 2013
On this day, June 9, 1955, Miss Pier Angeli was in all likelihood one of the two or three loveliest things in all of Los Angeles (as well looking far more interesting and engaging than, sadly, she was ever really able to do on film). And Life was there. Aren't we lucky? read more

RIP: Jupiter's Darling Says Goodnight
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Jun 6, 2013
Sad news from Hollywood: the Million Dollar Mermaid has returned to Fabulon. At 91, Esther Williams had a long and what seems to have been a very interesting life. While there is more than a little truth in the old crack that "wet she's a star, dry she ain't," there's no denying her success - read more