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Watching 1939: Three Smart Girls Grow Up (1939)
Comet Over Hollywood Posted by on Mar 9, 2023
In 2011, I announced I was trying to see every film released in 1939. This new series chronicles films released in 1939 as I watch them. As we start out this blog feature, this section may become more concrete as I search for a common thread that runs throughout each film of the year. Right now, th read more

Three Smart Girls Grow Up (1939)
4 Star Films Posted by 4 Star Film Fan on Aug 28, 2018
The Universal dream team of Deanna Durbin, producer Joe Pasternak, and director Henry Koster are back at it again in this follow up to the wildly popular comedy that propelled Durbin to international stardom. The Craig sisters are back too and this one begins with a unique and rather hilarious openi read more

Three Smart Girls (1936)
4 Star Films Posted by 4 Star Film Fan on Aug 27, 2018
Here is a comedy born of a certain time and age when they made such trifles. It’s the kind of plot where you can read it off in a single sentence but it’s further cushioned by cutesy moments and musical asides. Where growing girls say “Mummy” and “Daddy,” always read more

Deanna Durbin Sweetheart Pack: ‘Three Smart Girls’ (1936)
The Motion Pictures Posted by Lindsey on Apr 12, 2015
Joan (Nan Grey), Kay (Barbara Read), and Penny (Deanna Durbin) are children of divorced parents who have just learned that their father plans to re-marry.
The girls live in Switzerland with their mother (Alice Brady), and their father lives in New York. When they learn of his engagement, they decide read more

Three Smart Girls (1936)
Flickers in Time Posted by Beatrice on Aug 24, 2013
Three Smart Girls Directed by Henry Koster Written by Adele Comandini 1936/USA Universal Pictures First viewing Deanna Durbin’s feature film debut is an entertaining, if predictable, light comedy.. Kay, Joan, and Penny Craig live with their divorced mother in Switzerland. When the news read more

Musical Mondays: “Three Smart Girls” (1936)
Comet Over Hollywood Posted by on Jul 22, 2013
It’s no secret that the Hollywood Comet loves musicals. In 2010, I revealed I had seen 400 movie musicals over the course of eight years. Now that number is over 500. To celebrate and share this musical love, here is my weekly feature about musicals. This week’s musical: “Three Smart Girls” read more

Three Smart Girls
The Best Picture Project Posted by Alyson on Apr 26, 2010
What a lovely little comedy! Three sisters, Joan, Kay and Penny, live in Switzerland with their mother, who’s been divorced from their father for ten years. When they hear that their father may be getting remarried, the girls run off to New York in an attempt to stop the marriage and reunite read more

Three Smart Girls
Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Oct 17, 2008
Some images perfectly capture the moment they were taken; this is one. Eisenstadt snapped these three at a party in Berlin in 1929, when the most famous of them was the woman in the middle: Anna May Wong.
On the left, of course is Dietrich, who by that point had been toiling away for the better of read more