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Encore Podcast: Liz and Dick and Lucy and the Ring
The Man on the Flying Trapeze Posted by David on Aug 23, 2019
In 1969, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton were arguably the world's most famous married couple, and they became even more well known when Burton bought his wife a 69-carat diamond ring that cost over a million dollars. At a Hollywood party, their paths crossed with Lucille Ball and an unlikely id read more

Encore Podcast: Liz and Dick and Lucy and the Ring
The Man on the Flying Trapeze Posted by David on Aug 23, 2019
In 1969, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton were arguably the world's most famous married couple, and they became even more well known when Burton bought his wife a 69-carat diamond ring that cost over a million dollars. At a Hollywood party, their paths crossed with Lucille Ball and an unlikely id read more

Encore Podcast: "Liz and Dick and Lucy and the Ring"
The Man on the Flying Trapeze Posted by David on Oct 19, 2018
In 1969, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton were arguably the world's most famous married couple, and they became even more well known when Burton bought his wife a 69-carat diamond ring that cost over a million dollars. At a Hollywood party, their paths crossed with Lucille Ball and an unlikely id read more

Encore Podcast: "Liz and Dick and Lucy and the Ring"
The Man on the Flying Trapeze Posted by David on Oct 19, 2018
In 1969, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton were arguably the world's most famous married couple, and they became even more well known when Burton bought his wife a 69-carat diamond ring that cost over a million dollars. At a Hollywood party, their paths crossed with Lucille Ball and an unlikely id read more

The Funny Papers: Top 10 Slapsticks in the Ring – Comedies That Pack a Punch
Classic Movie Hub Blog Posted by Kellee Pratt on Jun 25, 2018
Top 10 Slapsticks in the Ring – Comedies That Pack a Punch There are plenty of serious films that have taken on the drama of boxing. Often they play up the angle of the unknown, struggling underdog who works hard, and defies the naysayers to beat all odds and make it as a champion. Some have focused read more

Liz and Dick and Lucy and the Ring
The Man on the Flying Trapeze Posted by David on May 11, 2018
In 1969, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton were arguably the world's most famous married couple, and they became even more well known when Burton bought his wife a 69-carat diamond ring that cost over a million dollars. At a Hollywood party, their paths crossed with Lucille Ball and an unlikely id read more

Liz and Dick and Lucy and the Ring
The Man on the Flying Trapeze Posted by David on May 11, 2018
In 1969, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton were arguably the world's most famous married couple, and they became even more well known when Burton bought his wife a 69-carat diamond ring that cost over a million dollars. At a Hollywood party, their paths crossed with Lucille Ball and an unlikely id read more

The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) – Updated
4 Star Films Posted by 4 Star Film Fan on Dec 4, 2014
Without the inventiveness and lore that J.R.R. Tolkien created in his books, there would never be something as visceral and grand in scope as The Lord of the Rings. However, it is a vibrant mythology that Peter Jackson breathed life into, and it becomes evident in the opening minutes of the Fellowsh read more

The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
4 Star Films Posted by 4 Star Film Fan on Dec 4, 2014
Without the inventiveness and lore that J.R.R. Tolkien created in his books, there would never be something as visceral and grand in scope as The Lord of the Rings. However, it is a vibrant mythology that Peter Jackson breathed life into, and it becomes evident in the opening minutes of the Fellowsh read more

The Vampires: The Ring That Kills (1915, Louis Feuillade)
The Stop Button Posted by on Sep 8, 2012
In The Ring That Kills, Feuillade goes with a gradual build-up and a rather tense finish. There’s no recap of the previous Vampires entry, which gets confusing towards the end, when a supporting character returns. Feuillade uses that character, played by Marcel Lévesque, as comic relief. He&# read more

The Ring (Alfred Hitchcock, 1927) – and the BFI’s Hitchcock retrospective
Movie Classics Posted by Judy on Jul 20, 2012
Lilian Hall Davis and Carl Brisson It’s great that so many classic movies are now available for home viewing – but nothing compares with seeing them as they were made to be shown, on the big screen. So far I’ve only managed to see a relatively small number of older films in this wa read more

The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
4 Star Films Posted by 4 Star Film Fan on Jul 16, 2012
The first installment in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, based on Tolkien’s novels, this film introduces the story. Bilbo Baggins is having his birthday and hands over his fabled ring to his young relative Frodo. Now the fate of Middle Earth is in the hands of the little Hobbit as he makes the read more

The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
4 Star Films Posted by 4 Star Film Fan on Jul 16, 2012
The first installment in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, based on Tolkien’s novels, this film introduces the story. Bilbo Baggins is having his birthday and hands over his fabled ring to his young relative Frodo. Now the fate of Middle Earth is in the hands of the little Hobbit as he makes the read more

Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The Best Picture Project Posted by Alyson on Jan 8, 2011
My brother and I had one more trip to the Beach Theater to finish up our beloved Lord of the Rings trilogy. Though our sister had endured the past two installments, she had had enough of our nerd time. She missed out, big time. Return of the King one-uped it’s predecessors in every way. Battles read more

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
The Best Picture Project Posted by Alyson on May 18, 2010
My next trip to The Beach Theater was for the second installment of the Rings Trilogy. Dad decided to sit this out out and my sister wearily tagged along for popcorn as my brother and I squealed with nerdy excitement. In that first scene where Gollum climbs down on the rocks growling, “T read more

Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
The Best Picture Project Posted by Alyson on May 4, 2010
One boring December day at Ft. Myers Beach, my dad looked in the morning paper for a movie to take us kids to. “How about this Lord-of-the-Rings thing?” he said in a tone showing he had no idea what it was about, but with all the little advertisements making it look good, why not? So we ran read more

The Ring, The Waltons, Tuesday Flashback Feature
Pop Culture ImagineMDD Posted by ImagineMDD on Nov 24, 2009
This is part of my Tuesday Flashback Feature. We reminisce about classic TV shows usually from the 1950s-1970s where gemstones or pieces of jewelry featured prominently in the storylines.
The Waltons
The Ring
Oct. 17, 1974
"Sometimes when we were children all the love and attention we got at h read more