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As Aventuras de Robin Hood / The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)

Critica Retro Posted by Lê on May 6, 2011

As Aventuras de Robin Hood / The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) Muitos costumam dizer que a versão original é sempre a melhor. Talvez valha para este caso: o primeiro Robin Hood do cinema sonoro é um filme a cores, quando essa tecnologia ainda surgia, e traz o grande par romântico Olivia read more

The Adventures of Robin Hood (2)

The Best Picture Project Posted by Alyson on Dec 25, 2010

Ah, now this is classic Robin Hood.  It’s not gritty action and realistic CGI arrows whizzing by, nor is it overtly cute and turned our heroes into singing cartoon animals.  The Adventures of Robin Hood is probably the best story told on film featuring the legendary outlaw of Sherwood Forrest.  The read more