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Happy 100th Birthday Olivia de Havilland: my review of GOVERNMENT GIRL (1943)

All Good Things Posted by monty on Jul 2, 2016

Government Girl (1943) is a vastly underrated and little known Olivia movie that is fun to watch.  Olivia plays Elizabeth "Smokey" Allard, a Washington secretary who knows the ins and outs of Washington DC as war is ongoing and weapons must be made. Also the housing shortage is in full aff read more

New From Warner Archive: Olivia deHavilland Goes Screwball in Government Girl (1943)

Classic Movies Posted by KC on Oct 21, 2014

As a screwball comedy, Government Girl misses the mark, but while the laughs never come when they seem to be prompted, I was never bored watching this film. It's not exactly good, it definitely isn't bad, or even so bad it's good. Perhaps the best description is odd. Olivia de Havilland is Elizabet read more

Government Girl (1943)

Out of the Past - A Classic Film Blog Posted by Raquel Stecher on Nov 30, -0001

Washington, D.C. during WWII was a hectic place. The new jobs created to support the war effort drove many to the nation’s capital. The influx of people caused a housing shortage that had workers and hotels scrambling. And with so many men away on duty, D.C. became a 10-women-to-every-man kind read more

Warner Archive Wednesday ~ Government Girl (1943)

Out of the Past - A Classic Film Blog Posted by Raquel Stecher on Nov 30, -0001

Washington, D.C. during WWII was a hectic place. The new jobs created to support the war effort drove many to the nation’s capital. The influx of people caused a housing shortage that had workers and hotels scrambling. And with so many men away on duty, D.C. became a 10-women-to-every-man kind read more