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Crashout (1955)

4 Star Films Posted by 4 Star Film Fan on Nov 10, 2023

If you wanted to string together a noir cast with the quintessential mélange of rogues who never quite made it to bona fide A-lister status, Crashout more than fits the bill. It’s a different kind of mission movie for a different kind of mission and a different brand of protagonist. They̵ read more

Crashout (1955)

Flickers in Time Posted by Beatrice on Aug 1, 2014

Crashout Directed by Lewis R. Foster Written by Hal E. Chester and Lewis R. Foster 1955/USA Standard Productions First viewing/YouTube   Noir Month ended with this violent prison break story. Thirty-five convicts escape from prison.  Six of them survive to make it to a hideout near the prison read more
