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Pic of the Day: “Convicts 4″ revisited
The Timothy Carey Experience Posted by Marisa on Aug 28, 2014
In honor of today being the 84th birthday anniversary of the late great Ben Gazzara, today’s pic is another from Convicts 4 (1962), directed by Millard Kaufman. John Resko ponders his predicament after unexpectedly meeting up with his childhood friend Nick in the prison yard at Dannemora. Tim read more

Video of the Week: “Convicts 4″ (3)
The Timothy Carey Experience Posted by Marisa on Feb 5, 2014
This week’s video is a compilation of scenes from Millard Kaufman‘s Convicts 4 (1962). The fellow who posted it doesn’t think much of the film or Timothy’s lock-jaw acting technique, which I admit is pretty over-the-top. Tim’s scenes begin at about 3:55. Enjoy with a hu read more

Pic of the Day: “Convicts 4″ revisited (5)
The Timothy Carey Experience Posted by Marisa on Nov 29, 2013
After stuffing ourselves yesterday, we deserve a rest. And where better to put up our feet than in the clink? We close the holiday week with another look at Convicts 4 (1962), Millard Kaufman‘s prison biography of artist John Resko (Ben Gazzara). Unbeknownst to Resko and his old pal Nick, they read more

Video of the Week: “Convicts 4″ (2)
The Timothy Carey Experience Posted by Marisa on Aug 28, 2013
Today, the eighty-third birthday anniversary of the amazing Ben Gazzara, we present again a clip from the prison biopic Convicts 4 (1962), directed by Millard Kaufman. It features Timothy’s first appearance in the film, and it is certainly memorable. As we all know, Tim and Gazzara appeared to read more

Pic of the Day: “Convicts 4″ revisited (4)
The Timothy Carey Experience Posted by Marisa on Jun 18, 2013
It’s time to revisit Convicts 4 (1962), aka Reprieve, directed by Millard Kaufman. Genial convict Nick welcomes his old pal John Resko (Ben Gazzara) to The Hill. Timothy’s teeth-clenching pseudo-Kirk Douglas delivery really gets a workout here. Keep your eyes open also for a fleeting ap read more

Pic of the Day: “Convicts 4″ revisited (1)
The Timothy Carey Experience Posted by Marisa on Oct 22, 2012
Our pic of the day is another promotional still from Convicts 4 (1962) (aka Reprieve), the prison drama written and directed by Millard Kaufman. The big cake-eating scene is about to begin. The notation on the back is worth quoting: 27. PRISON PARTY—Roland LaStarza, Tom Gilson, Ben Gazzara, a read more

Pic of the Day: “Convicts 4″ revisited (2)
The Timothy Carey Experience Posted by Marisa on Mar 29, 2012
Our pic of the day (and you remember about clicking for embiggening) is a nice promotional portrait of Timothy from Convicts 4, aka Reprieve (1962), one of my latest eBay finds. I’m still not sure if that’s a hearing aid or a transistor radio he has there. He used a similar device in Hou read more

Pic of the Day: “Convicts 4″ revisited (3)
The Timothy Carey Experience Posted by Marisa on Feb 3, 2012
Our pic for today takes another look at Convicts 4 (1962), based on the book Reprieve by John Resko, an account of his time in prison. Tim, as fellow prisoner Nick, is startled by the sudden breakout of a big fight between Resko (Ben Gazzara) and Iggy (Ray Walston). As I’m sure we’re al read more

Video of the Week: “Convicts 4″ (1)
The Timothy Carey Experience Posted by Marisa on Oct 19, 2011
This week we feature Tim’s first appearance in Convicts 4 (1962), originally known as Reprieve and written and directed by Millard Kaufman. Tim is an affable convict by the name of Nick. You gotta love this guy. Tim and Ben Gazzara would meet again in 1976, in John Cassavetes‘ The Killin read more

Pic of the Day: “Convicts 4″
The Timothy Carey Experience Posted by Marisa on Jul 11, 2011
The pic of the day (and you know to click to embiggen, I’m sure) is from Convicts 4 (1962), directed by Millard Kaufman and starring Ben Gazzara as real-life prisoner John Resko. Tim is his genial fellow inmate Nick, who talks through his teeth, shoves a ginormous slice of cake into his face, read more