The sequel remains pretty much as it is today: repeat box office receipts with the same formula. That itself is passable in the day of the studio system when film output to fill the theaters with product was required. Sometimes it works as in BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN (1935) and sometimes it doesn&# read more
Com os Braços Abertos / Boys Town (1938) Nós precisamos desesperadamente de heróis. We're in desperate need of heroes. Mas não é qualquer herói que serve. Nós dispensamos o Batman, o Aquaman, o Super-Homen, o Homem de Ferro, a Mulher-Maravilha – se bem que ela é demais – read more
Saintly Father Flanagan (Spencer Tracy) knocks some sense into juvenile delinquent Whitey Marsh (Mickey Rooney) in this clip from Boys Town (1938).
New York Times critic Frank Nugent gave Rooney a rare rave review for his performance in Boys Town. "Mickey is the Dead End gang ro read more
“There is no such thing as a bad boy” – Father Edward J. Flanagan That’s right, there’s no such thing as a bad boy — or is there? Well, well, well…that brings me to my getTV Mickey Rooney Blogathon pick: Boys Town. Why Boys Town? This should be an easy ques read more
Boys Town
Directed by Norman Taurog
Written by John Meehan and Dore Shary from a story by Shary and Eleanore Griffin
Repeat viewing More evidence of what a great screen actor Spencer Tracy was. This is an MGM dramatization of the life and work of Father Flanagan, read more
Boys Town (1938) By virtue of the performances alone, Boys Town earns a Wowza! rating. The film won Spencer Tracy a Best Actor Oscar and set Mickey Rooney on a path that for many years involved only primary roles and Grade-A pictures. It is based on a true story (and also won Best Original read more
In 1917, Father Edward Flanagan founded and built Boys Town, a nonprofit orphanage for boys between 10 and 16, just outside of Omaha Nebraska. The orphanage led a new wave of youth care methods by emphasizing the importance of social preparation and letting the boys run the facility’s day-to-day read more
Com os Braços Abertos / Boys Town (1938) Nós precisamos desesperadamente de heróis. We're in desperate need of heroes. Mas não é qualquer herói que serve. Nós dispensamos o Batman, o Aquaman, o Super-Homen, o Homem de Ferro, a Mulher-Maravilha – se bem que ela é demais – read more