4 Star Films Posted by 4 Star Film Fan on Mar 27, 2015
Well, I was expecting great things from this film as the third installment in an intriguing romantic trilogy. I will admit that at first I thought it was decent but I was not blown away. My favorite moment had to be near the middle when Jesse and Celine took a walk through the ancient streets of Gre read more
4 Star Films Posted by 4 Star Film Fan on Mar 27, 2015
Well, I was expecting great things from this film as the third installment in an intriguing romantic trilogy. I will admit that at first I thought it was decent but I was not blown away. My favorite moment had to be near the middle when Jesse and Celine took a walk through the ancient streets of Gre read more
Before Midnight (Richard Linklater, 2013) Nine years after the conclusion of Before Sunset, Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and Céline (Julie Delpy) are a couple and parents to twin girls conceived when they got together for the second time. Jesse is also struggling to maintain his relationship with his teen read more
Ralph Bellamy gets top billing here, but he doesn’t deserve it. I’m always stunned when, with a reasonably early feature motion picture like Before Midnight, the filmmakers are clearly exhausted with the genre. Midnight‘s a big house mystery (enclosed setting, certain number of su read more