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Watching 1939: Bachelor Mother (1939)
Comet Over Hollywood Posted by on Dec 20, 2018
In 2011, I announced I was trying to see every film released in 1939. This new series chronicles films released in 1939 as I watch them. As we start out this blog feature, this section may become more concrete as I search for a common thread that runs throughout each film of the year. Right now, th read more

Bachelor Mother (1939)
4 Star Films Posted by 4 Star Film Fan on Dec 29, 2017
Of course, Bachelor Mother is a blatant oxymoron and it’s a perfect summation of that vestige of a genre the screwball comedy — a genre that’s about marriage and divorce and the gray areas in between conveniently skirting past issues such as adultery or people “living in sin read more

Bachelor Mother (1939)
4 Star Films Posted by 4 Star Film Fan on Dec 29, 2017
Of course, Bachelor Mother is a blatant oxymoron and it’s a perfect summation of that vestige of a genre the screwball comedy — a genre that’s about marriage and divorce and the gray areas in between conveniently skirting past issues such as adultery or people “living in sin read more

The Essential Films of 1939: Bachelor Mother
Old Hollywood Films Posted by Amanda Garrett on Apr 6, 2015
Ginger Rogers raises an abandoned baby in Bachelor Mother. Here she is with Charles Coburn, Elbert Coplen Jr., and David Niven.
The Director: Garson Kanin.
The Stars: Ginger Rogers, David Niven, Charles Coburn, and Frank Albertson.
Source Material: An original story by Frank Jacks read more

Bachelor Mother (1939)
Journeys in Classic Film Posted by on Dec 23, 2014
Several films have tackled the subject of “mistaken maternity,” but Bachelor Mother is the best! This 1939 comedy quietly slid underneath the rules of the Production Code by having our leading lady stumble upon a foundling child, as opposed to the film’s original plot of having the read more

Bachelor Mother (1939) at TCMFF and My Thoughts
Out of the Past - A Classic Film Blog Posted by Raquel Stecher on May 15, 2014
Seeing Bachelor Mother (1939) on the big screen has been a dream of mine for a long time and I'm so grateful to TCM for making that dream happen at their classic film festival. I cherished every moment of this experience and I'm so grateful to have seen my beloved film on the big screen in Hollywood read more

Bachelor Mother (1939) (1)
Flickers in Time Posted by Beatrice on Jan 7, 2014
Bachelor Mother
Directed by Garson Kanin
Written by Norman Krasna and Felix Jackson
RKO Radio Pictures
First viewing/Warner Archives DVD Despite its preposterous plot, this is an enjoyable romantic comedy helped along by the charm of its two leads. Polly Parrish (Ginger Rogers) is ab read more

Bachelor Mother (1939) (2)
The Vintage Cameo Posted by Emily on Dec 22, 2013
Bachelor Mother is another one of those great time-capsule movies that communicates much more to a modern viewer than just its plot. It’s a light, charming comedy from 1939, starring Ginger Rogers, and pretty much right from the start, the concept of the situation completely and utterly reflec read more

Bachelor Mother (1939).
Noir and Chick Flicks Posted by Dawn Sample on Apr 5, 2013
Bachelor Mother (1939). A comedy directed by Garson Kanin. Cast: Ginger Rogers, David Niven and Charles Coburn. The screenplay was written by Norman Krasna based on an Academy Award nominated story by Felix Jackson (aka Felix Joachimson) written for the 1935 Austrian-Hungarian film Little Mother read more

New Year's and Bachelor Mother (1939)
Out of the Past - A Classic Film Blog Posted by Raquel Stecher on Dec 27, 2012
For Polly Parrish (Ginger Rogers) in Bachelor Mother (1939), the New Year is off to a bad start before it even began. Around Christmas time she gets a note from her employer John P. Merlin & Son, a New York City department store, that her services will no longer be needed after the holiday read more

Haiku: Bachelor Mother (1939)
Classic Movies Posted by KC on May 27, 2011
That isn't my child
And I'm not really Swedish
I told you, ha-ha
Image Source read more

Bachelor Mother (1939, Garson Kanin)
The Stop Button Posted by on Feb 25, 2011
I’ve seen Bachelor Mother at least twice before but didn’t remember the most salient feature of the film. I even forgot what a big part Donald Duck plays in it (though I did remember David Niven’s watching the clock to wait to say “good afternoon” as opposed to “ read more

New Year's and Bachelor Mother (1939)
Out of the Past - A Classic Film Blog Posted by Raquel Stecher on Nov 30, -0001
For Polly Parrish (Ginger Rogers) in Bachelor Mother (1939), the New Year is off to a bad start before it even began. Around Christmas time she gets a note from her employer John P. Merlin & Son, a New York City department store, that her services will no longer be needed after the holiday read more

Owning Bachelor Mother (1939)
Out of the Past - A Classic Film Blog Posted by Raquel Stecher on Nov 30, -0001
I have a confession to make. I have had in my possession 11 different copies of the Bachelor Mother (1939).
It all started over a decade ago when I was discovering my love of classic film. I taped a series of films off of TCM with my VCR. All of the films had the word "bachelor" in the title: read more

Elbert Coplen Jr., the infant star of Bachelor Mother (1939)
Out of the Past - A Classic Film Blog Posted by Raquel Stecher on Nov 30, -0001
Little Elbert Coplen Jr. went on to make a brief splash in Hollywood that didn’t last past the toddler stage.
At the tender age of 8 months, Elbert Coplen Jr. played John ("Johnnie") in the hilarious RKO comedy Bachelor Mother (1939). His father, Elbert Coplen Sr., was a mechanical engineer a read more

Elbert Coplen Jr., the infant star of Bachelor Mother (1939)
Out of the Past - A Classic Film Blog Posted by Raquel Stecher on Nov 30, -0001
Little Elbert Coplen Jr. went on to make a splash in Hollywood that didn’t last past the toddler stage.
At the tender age of 8 months, Elbert Coplen Jr. played John ("Johnnie") in the hilarious RKO comedy Bachelor Mother (1939). His father, Elbert Coplen Sr., was a mechanical engineer at the read more

Owning Bachelor Mother (1939) and a Giveaway
Out of the Past - A Classic Film Blog Posted by Raquel Stecher on Nov 30, -0001
I have a confession to make. I have had in my possession 11 different copies of the Bachelor Mother (1939).
It all started over a decade ago when I was discovering my love of classic film. I taped a series of films off of TCM with my VCR. All of the films had the word "bachelor" in the title: read more

Bachelor Mother (1939) at TCMFF and My Thoughts
Out of the Past - A Classic Film Blog Posted by Raquel Stecher on Nov 30, -0001
Seeing Bachelor Mother (1939) on the big screen has been a dream of mine for a long time and I'm so grateful to TCM for making that dream happen at their classic film festival. I cherished every moment of this experience and I'm so grateful to have seen my beloved film on the big screen in Hollywood read more