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Musical Monday: Shirley Temple’s Storybook “Babes in Toyland” (1960)
Comet Over Hollywood Posted by on Dec 10, 2018
It’s no secret that the Hollywood Comet loves musicals. In 2010, I revealed I had seen 400 movie musicals over the course of eight years. Now that number is over 500. To celebrate and share this musical love, here is my weekly feature about musicals. This week’s musical: “Shirley Temple’ read more

Babes in Toyland (1934)
4 Star Films Posted by 4 Star Film Fan on Oct 8, 2018
Laurel and Hardy had better films with better gags and more iconic moments but Babes in Toyland, or The March of The Wooden Soldiers as it was also known as develops the most immersive fantastical world that they ever had the privilege of gallivanting through. It’s almost fitting that we find read more

Babes in Toyland (1961)
Journeys in Classic Film Posted by on Dec 5, 2017
Originally published December 24th, 2015 The 1950s were a comfortable time for the Walt Disney Company; they knew how to cater to 1950s audiences. Their movies are perfect representations of the decade. By the time the 1960s rolled around Disney was starting to lose their footing (before completing read more

Christmas Musical Monday: Babes in Toyland (1934)
Comet Over Hollywood Posted by on Dec 4, 2017
It’s no secret that the Hollywood Comet loves musicals. In 2010, I revealed I had seen 400 movie musicals over the course of eight years. Now that number is over 500. To celebrate and share this musical love, here is my weekly feature about musicals. This week’s musical: “Babes in ToylandR read more

Musical Monday: Babes in Toyland (1934)
Comet Over Hollywood Posted by on Dec 4, 2017
It’s no secret that the Hollywood Comet loves musicals. In 2010, I revealed I had seen 400 movie musicals over the course of eight years. Now that number is over 500. To celebrate and share this musical love, here is my weekly feature about musicals. This week’s musical: “Babes in ToylandR read more

Babes in Toyland (1961)
Journeys in Classic Film Posted by on Dec 2, 2016
Originally published December 24th, 2015 The 1950s were a comfortable time for the Walt Disney Company; they knew how to cater to 1950s audiences. Their movies are perfect representations of the decade. By the time the 1960s rolled around Disney was starting to lose their footing (before completing read more

Babes in Toyland (1961)
Journeys in Classic Film Posted by on Dec 24, 2015
The 1950s were a comfortable time for the Walt Disney Company; they knew how to cater to 1950s audiences. Their movies are perfect representations of the decade. By the time the 1960s rolled around Disney was starting to lose their footing (before completing failing at representing the zeitgeist) an read more

Musical Monday: Babes in Toyland (1961)
Comet Over Hollywood Posted by on Dec 1, 2014
It’s no secret that the Hollywood Comet loves musicals. In 2010, I revealed I had seen 400 movie musicals over the course of eight years. Now that number is over 500. To celebrate and share this musical love, here is my weekly feature about musicals. This week’s musical: “Babes in Toyland” –Musical read more