Yvette Vickers Overview:

Actress, Yvette Vickers, was born Iola Yvette Vedder on Aug 26, 1928 in Kansas City, MO. Vickers died at the age of 82 in 2010 in Benedict Canyon, CA .



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Yvette Vickers Quotes:

Harry Archer: Hey, hey, hey, Tony, something's happen to your lights.
Tony the Bartender: I got eyes, I can see.
Honey Parker: Who needs lights?

Honey Parker: You know what our problem is? We both have the same disease: money, and happy ways of spending it.

Harry Archer: They need my permission to operate. They're looking for me now to sign the papers.
Honey Parker: That's great. that's wonderful. Just hide out here for a few days and let her blow up like a balloon.

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Yvette Vickers Facts
Once up for a lead role in Lana Turner's Imitation of Life (1959).

Measurements: 35-22-35 (Source: Celebrity Sleuth magazine).

She was discovered by neighbor Susan Savage in April 2011. The state of her body suggested that she had been dead for close to a year.

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