Woody Strode Overview:

Legendary actor, Woody Strode, was born Woodrow Wilson Woolwine Strode on Jul 25, 1914 in Los Angeles, CA. Strode died at the age of 80 on Dec 31, 1994 in Glendora, CA .



Strode was never nominated for an Academy Award.

Woody Strode BlogHub Articles:

Woody Strode is “Sergeant Rutledge”

By Stephen Reginald on Nov 11, 2021 From Classic Movie Man

Woody Strode is “Sergeant Rutledge” Sergeant Rutledge (1960) is an American Western film directed by John Ford, starring Jeffrey Hunter, Constance Towers, and Woody Strode in the title role. Other actors in the supporting cast include Billie Burke and Juano Hernandez. Of all of Ford... Read full article

Sergeant Rutledge (1960): Starring Woody Strode

By 4 Star Film Fan on Jan 8, 2021 From 4 Star Films

“It’s alright for Mr. Lincoln to say we’re free, but that ain’t so. Maybe someday, but not yet.” – Sergeant Rutledge Sergeant Rutledge rarely gets talked about with the greatest westerns or even the greatest westerns of John Ford. Without getting overly effusive w... Read full article

Woody Strode

By Dawn on Aug 5, 2010 From Noir and Chick Flicks

Woody Strode, was a decathlete and football star who went on to become a pioneering African-American film actor. He is probably best remembered for his brief Golden Globe-nominated role in Spartacus (1960).Strode made his first film performance in the film, in Sundown (1941). Playing on TCM: Saturda... Read full article

SUtS: Woody Strode

By Brandie on Aug 4, 2010 From True Classics

Woody Strode, a statuesque African-American film actor whose career spanned the 1940s and lasted until his death in 1994, worked with some of the biggest names in Hollywood during his fifty-odd years as a working actor. Yet he remains relatively unknown to the general public today. He never reached ... Read full article

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Woody Strode Quotes:

Spartacus: What's your name?
Draba: You don't want to know my name. I don't want to know your name.
Spartacus: Just a friendly question.
Draba: Gladiators don't make friends. If we're ever matched in the arena together, I have to kill you.

1st Sgt. Braxton Rutledge: Anyone come, you ain't gonna be in here with me.
Mary Beecher: What are you talking about?
1st Sgt. Braxton Rutledge: I'm talking about you. A white woman. White women only spell trouble for any of us.
Mary Beecher: That's nonsense. We're just two people trying to stay alive.
1st Sgt. Braxton Rutledge: Lady, you don't know how hard I'm trying to stay alive.

1st Sgt. Braxton Rutledge: Soldier can never think by his heart, ma'am. He got to think by the book.

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Woody Strode Facts
Strode played several seasons for the Calgary Stampeders in the Canadian Football League before moving back to the United States and beginning his film career.

Former pro football player.

Was a close friend of John Ford from the early 1960s until Ford's death, with Ford having preferred Strode's company over most other actors when the director became ill from cancer. Somewhat controversially, Ford usually waved off claims his films were racist by saying things like, "But my best friend Woody Strode is black."

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