William Boyd Overview:

Legendary actor, William Boyd, was born on Jun 5, 1895 in Hendrysburg, OH. Boyd died at the age of 77 on Sep 12, 1972 in Laguna Beach, CA and was laid to rest in Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Glendale) Cemetery in Glendale, CA.


Ohio-born Hollywood star who earned himself security, popularity, and a niche in screen history when he started playing the western hero Hopalong Cassidy in 1935. A pillar of respectability and two-fisted justice, Cassidy was perhaps the only cowboy to match white hair with a black outfit. Boyd took the character with him into TV in 1948: Married four times, his last wife (from 1937) being actress Grace Bradley. Died from Parkinson's Disease.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Stars).



He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Motion Pictures. In addition, Boyd was inducted into the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum and was immortalized on a US postal stamp in 2009. Boyd was never nominated for an Academy Award.

William Boyd BlogHub Articles:

William Boyd ~ The Yankee Clipper (1927)

By Clayton on Nov 18, 2015 From Phantom Empires

William Boyd ~ The Yankee Clipper (1927) 11/18/2015 2 Comments (This is a look-back review...I was thinking about it, so I thought I'd repost!)It, ladies and gentleman, is the birthday of one of my favourite a... Read full article

Go-Get-'Em, Haines - William Boyd (1936)

By Clayton on Sep 6, 2014 From Phantom Empires

Go-Get-'Em, Haines - William Boyd (1936) 9/6/2014 0 Comments Go-Get-em Haines is a fun b-reel-type picture from 1936; it stars the lovely Eleanor Hunt (who charmingly co-starred alongside John Wayne in the 1934 Western Blue Steel), bu... Read full article

Go-Get-'Em, Haines - William Boyd (1936)

By Clayton on Sep 6, 2014 From Phantom Empires

Go-Get-'Em, Haines - William Boyd (1936) 9/6/2014 0 Comments Go-Get-em Haines is a fun b-reel-type picture from 1936; it stars the lovely Eleanor Hunt (who charmingly co-starred alongside John Wayne in the 1934 Western Blue Steel), but more importantly, it ... Read full article

Happy Birthday William Boyd! (June 5, 1895) ~ The Yankee Clipper (1927)

By Clayton on Jun 4, 2014 From Phantom Empires

Happy Birthday William Boyd! (June 5, 1895) ~ The Yankee Clipper (1927) 6/4/2014 2 Comments It, ladies and gentleman, is the birthday of one of my favourite actors; the man behind the legendary Hopalong Cassidy, William Boyd! Well, as most people al... Read full article

William Boyd (1895-1972) Silent Movie Star Biography

By Movies, Silently on Feb 6, 2013 From Movies Silently

There were two William Boyds acting in Hollywood during the silent era. The first was a young man from Tulsa, Oklahoma who would enjoy star billing and roles with some of the best directors and actors of the silent era. The second, known as William ?Stage? Boyd was a stage actor who had a minor care... Read full article

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William Boyd Quotes:

California Carson: Where yuh goin', Hoppy?
Hopalong Cassidy: Whatta you care?
Hopalong Cassidy: The Ranger Service! Forty dollars a month and free taps when you die! It's all yours! You can have it!... And this Captain Jennings we're supposed to respect! I'd have gotten a better deal from any sidewinding half-breed in the country!
Ranger Captain Jennings: [suddenly appearing] Kind of sneaky, isn't it, talking about a man when his back is turned!
Hopalong Cassidy: Well, your back isn't turned now!
[he slaps Jennings across the face]
Ranger Captain Jennings: We'll just make that suspension permanent.
[he takes Hoppy's badge]
Hopalong Cassidy: That's all right with me!
[he leaves]

[last lines]
Hopalong Cassidy: Well, Miss Linda, it looks like you'll need some help around here.
Johnny Nelson: Just leave it to me, Hoppy!
Hopalong Cassidy: That's just what I'm afraid of.

John Martindale: I was tryin' to dig this well when they came.
Hopalong Cassidy: [grabbing a handful of soil and smelling it] You have any trouble diggin' this stuff?
John Martindale: Always! Black gumbo keeps oozin' into the hole.
Hopalong Cassidy: This is why Trimble wants your ranch and all the other land in the valley.
California Carlson: You mean that smelly stuff?
Jimmy Rogers: What's it good for?
Hopalong Cassidy: [laughs] There's a young fellah in the East can tell yuh. He's on his way to bein' the richest man in the world on account of it. His name is Rockefeller... John D!

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William Boyd Facts
After buying the rights to all of his films, he secured the rights to the name "Hopalong Cassidy" and formed a company called "Hopalong Cassidy Productions".

His career was derailed in the early 1930s when he was mistakenly identified as having been arrested for public drunkenness after his picture was mistakenly used in articles about the arrest. In fact, the culprit was William 'Stage' Boyd, an actor who later portrayed the villain in the serial The Lost City (1935/I).

In an early movie, Hoppy kissed Evelyn Brent on the forehead as she was dying. His fans saw this as unmanly, so all future romance was left to his partners, and there was a different leading lady in each picture.

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Cowboy Museum Hall of Fame

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