Wilfrid Lawson Overview:

Character actor, Wilfrid Lawson, was born Wilfrid Worsnop on Jan 14, 1900 in Bradford, England. Lawson died at the age of 66 on Oct 10, 1966 in London, England .


Raucous-voiced, abrasive, distinctive British character star. In spite of alcohol problems that made him difficult to employ, he became a star of the British cinema from 1938 to 1947 (before spending a long sojourn on stage) with fruitful excursions to Hollywood. Even in his last years, he was still capable of stealing scenes from the leading players. Died from a heart attack.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Wilfrid Lawson Quotes:

[Ed is encouraging Tom to drive faster and faster along a single-track road]
Ed, Hawlett Mechanic: Don't ease up.
Tom Yately: Supposing we meet something.
Ed, Hawlett Mechanic: Supposing we don't. Look on the bright side.

Michael Finsbury: [examining a Classical Greek statue] Is it a fraud, Peacock?
Peacock: Life is a fraud, Master Michael.

Peacock: [a grand piano jammed in a doorway] You know what that is? That is stuck. That is what that is.

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