Wilfrid Brambell Overview:

Character actor, Wilfrid Brambell, was born Henry Wilfrid Brambell on Mar 22, 1912 in Dublin, Ireland. Brambell died at the age of 72 on Jan 18, 1985 in London, England .


Irish-born actor, specializing in old codgers with teeth missing, but virtually unknown to the public at large until his gigantic success as the horrendous Albert Steptoe, rag-and-bone merchant, in British TV's Steptoe and Son, in which he alternated between pop-eyed horror, cronish cackling and lascivious leers. The series was unsuccessfully transferred to the cinema screen; a sequel was equally disastrous. Died from cancer.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Wilfrid Brambell Quotes:

Grandfather: Well, you got me here so do your worst, but by God, I'll take one of you with me! I know your game. Get me into that tiled room and then out come the rubber hoses!
Police Inspector: Oh, there's a fire, is there?
Grandfather: You ugly, great brute. You have sadism stamped all over your bloated British kisser!
Police Inspector: Eh?
Grandfather: I'll go on hunger strike! I know your caper. The kidney punch and the rabbit clout. The third degree and the size twelve boot ankle tap.
Police Inspector: What's he on about?
Grandfather: I'm a soldier for the Republic! You'll need the mahogany truncheons on this boyo.

Ringo: Funny, really, 'cause I'd never thought of it, but being middle-aged and old takes up most of your time, doesn't it?
Grandfather: You're only right.

[playing baccarat]
Grandfather: My turn? Er... bingo!
Croupier: Pas "bingo," monsieur. "Banco."
Grandfather: Ah, I'll take the little darlin's anyway.

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Wilfrid Brambell Facts
Released two 45rpm singles, 'Second Hand' with B Side 'Rag Time Ragabone Man'.

He divorced his wife, Molly Josephine, after she had a child, Michael, in 1953, by the Brambells' lodger, Roderick Fisher.

His father worked at a Guinness Brewery and his mother was an opera singer.

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