Wilford Brimley Overview:

Character actor, Wilford Brimley, was born Anthony Wilford Brimley on Sep 27, 1934 in Salt Lake City, UT. Brimley died at the age of 85 on Aug 1, 2020 in St. George, UT .


Barrel-like, mustachioed, often bespectacled American actor with blinky eyes who has almost always played characters older than his real age. Brimley was a farm worker and rodeo rider who gained weight and became a blacksmith, then determined to be a film actor and gradually got a toehold after years of extra work. Nowadays giving fine performances in fat character roles as crusty but sympathetic types, although less often seen in recent times.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Wilford Brimley Facts
Known to loosen up cast mates, with small practical jokes, between takes. For example, while filming Cocoon: The Return (1988), Courteney Cox was caught off guard by whoopee cushion pranks.

Had a recurring role on "The Waltons" (1971). At the prodding of series star Ralph Waite, Brimley became a charter member of Waite's Los Angeles Actors Theater.

Enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps during the Korean Conflict and spent three years in the Aleutian Islands.

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