Wensley Pithey Overview:

Character actor, Wensley Pithey, was born on Jan 20, 1914 in Cape Town, South Africa. Pithey died at the age of 79 on Nov 10, 1993 in London, England .


Thick-set, brown-haired, often mustachioed South African-born actor in British films, often as working types or hard-headed businessmen, but latterly best-known for his portrayals of Sir Winston Churchill. He began his career in his native country when, at 23, he won a nationwide contest for a radio announcer. He came to Britain in post-war years, and usually tackled roles - sometimes also as policemen or minor figures of authority - that were older than his years. The cinema's demands slackened after 1962, but he continued to be busy in television.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Wensley Pithey Fact
He played the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (1874-1965) in three different productions: "Edward & Mrs. Simpson" (1978), Suez 1956 (1979) (TV) and F.D.R.: The Last Year (1980) (TV).

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