Warner Anderson Overview:

Character actor, Warner Anderson, was born on Mar 10, 1911 in Brooklyn, NY. Anderson appeared in over 60 film and TV roles. His best known films include The Caine Mutiny (as Capt. Blakely), Blackboard Jungle (as Dr. Bradley) and Destination Moon (as Dr. Charles Cargraves). Anderson died at the age of 65 on Aug 26, 1976 in Santa Monica, CA .


Dependable and grave-looking, Warner Anderson enjoyed a good run of playing doctors, judges, senior officers and attorneys until the mid 1950s, after which he was lost almost entirely to long-running televisions series, latterly as editor Matthew Swain in Peyton Place. He made one appearance in a silent film as a child, and played in vaudeville and legitimate theater before coming to the screen.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



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Warner Anderson Quotes:

Jessica Drummond: How neat you are, Frank!
Frank Everett: That's what comes of being a bachelor all your life.

Gen. Canby: Sometimes it is as necessary to take risks to win peace as it is in war to win victories.

Col. J. Carter: [Pessimistically looking at aerial reconnaisance photos] Supply bundles lying where they were dropped. Three dead men to play host to every fly in Burma.

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Warner Anderson Fact
His voice opened every episode of "Peyton Place" (1964) during its run ("This is the continuing story of Peyton Place."), even though he was a cast member for only the first season.

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