Victor Jory Overview:

Actor, Victor Jory, was born on Nov 23, 1902 in Dawson City, Canada. Jory died at the age of 79 on Feb 12, 1982 in Santa Monica, CA and was cremated and his ashes given to family or friend.



He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Motion Pictures.

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Victor Jory Quotes:

Mrs. 'Ma' Frazier: Did you enjoy your season in Buffalo, Mr. Williams?
Mr. Williams: Oh, very much. Good audiences, nice theatre.
Daisy Dawn: I always found the Buffalo people most hospitable to the members of our stock company.
Mr. Williams: The women did make rather a fuss over me, but then it helps business.
Daisy Dawn: I must say the men made rather a fuss over me too when I used to go to the Sticks for summer stock.
Mr. Clifton: Did you have much trouble with the Indians in those days?

García: [after shooting one of his fellow bandits in the face] It would take a clever person to recognize him now.

Captain Arthur Keller: From the minute she stepped off the train she's been nothing but a burden! Incompetent, impertinent, ineffectual, inmodest, and...
Kate Keller: She folded her napkin, Captain.
Captain Arthur Keller: She what?
Kate Keller: Not ineffectual. Helen did fold her napkin.
Captain Arthur Keller: What in heaven's name is so extraordinary about folding a napkin?
Kate Keller: Well, it's more than you did, Captain.
Captain Arthur Keller: Katie, the point is she's ruined any chance she ever had of getting along with the child. If you can see any point or purpose of her staying on here longer, it's more than I can.
Kate Keller: What do you wish me to do?
Captain Arthur Keller: I want you to give her notice!
Kate Keller: I can't.
Captain Arthur Keller: Then if you won't, I must!

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Victor Jory Facts
His son, Jon Jory, headed the Actors Theater of Louisville, Kentucky for 31 years, building it into one of America's most respected regional theater companies. He left the job in 2000, and currently is professor of drama at University of Washington in Seattle, Washington.

His voice was formerly heard narrating the Battle Of Atlanta at the Cyclorama in Atlanta, Ga. for many years, until it was replaced by a new recording featuring the voice of James Earl Jones.

Father of Jon Jory and Jean Jory.

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