Una O'Connor Overview:

Character actress, Una O'Connor, was born Agnes Teresa McGlade on Oct 23, 1880 in Belfast, Ireland. O'Connor died at the age of 78 on Feb 4, 1959 in New York City, NY and was laid to rest in Calvary Cemetery in Woodside, Queens County, New York City, , NY.


Una O'Connor was a twittering, pinch-featured, Irish actress with a pale complexion, darting eyes and birdlike movements. She started in British films after an early career with the Abbey Theatre, Dublin, then moved to Hollywood to recreate her stage role as Ellen Bridges in Cavalcade. She was soon launched into a succession of maids, crones, chaperones and nagging wives, mostly less warm-hearted versions of characters played in Britain by Kathleen Harrison. 

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



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Una O'Connor Quotes:

Elizabeth Barrett: Is that Mr. Browning over there?
Wilson: I shouldn't be at ALL surprised, Miss.

Mrs. Breen: You've obviously never been neck deep in nuns.

Mr. Prendergast: As your legal advisor I must warn you it's the only way out. The bank won't wait much longer.
Maggie Ryan: Aw, the back of me hand to the bank.
Mr. Prendergast: What they want is money.
Maggie Ryan: Haven't they got enough?

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Una O'Connor Fact
Began her acting career on stage at the Abbey Theatre in Dublin, Ireland.

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