Thurston Hall Overview:

Character actor, Thurston Hall, was born Ernest Thurston Hall on May 10, 1882 in Boston, MA. Hall died at the age of 75 on Feb 20, 1958 in Beverly Hills, CA .


Large, hearty, generously-built American actor with dark hair and florid complexion. He acted on stages all over the world in his youth, including England, South Africa, and New Zealand, before trying his luck in Hollywood, initially as a powerful leading man (his first role was Marc Antony). When he returned as a silver-haired, mustachioed character player in the 1930s, producers soon detected the roguish glint in his eye that caused him to be cast as dozens of smilingly affable, but crooked businessmen, who would wriggle out of a jam and launch some fresh scheme at a bluster of confusion or a clearing of the throat. Died from a heart attack.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



Thurston Hall BlogHub Articles:

Thurston Hall - The Great Senator

By The Metzinger Sisters on Dec 18, 2016 From Silver Scenes - A Blog for Classic Film Lovers

You've seen him before...that imposing stature, that jovial smile, his booming voice, and those eyes, those eyes that bulge at just the right moments. Thurston Hall is his name and governors, senators, businessmen, and doting fathers are his game. His name is often confused with Thurston Howell III ... Read full article

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Thurston Hall Quotes:

Claudius King: [laughing] So, not content with ruining your life, Willie also ruined your speech, eh?
Claire Landin, aka Miss Claire King: Willie did *not* ruin my speech; after he got out, I really outdid myself. I'll bet half the married women in that room went directly home and beat up their husbands.
Claudius King: [sniggering] Wouldn't surprise me. I've always contended that modern civilization wrecked itself when we separated women from goats and moved them into the house.

Col. Paul Hassel: [Playing chess] Your attack is weak as your brother Gregor's was brilliant. Chess, by the way, was the only virtue I ever discovered in him.
Baron Gregor de Bergmann: I received a letter today from him from Warsaw. Most of it was devoted to begging me to send his love to you, Colonel.
Col. Paul Hassel: His love to me? Well, if I have to accept it, I'd rather have it by post than any way I can think of.

Roger Bel: Father, father, I'm going to get married!
Mr. Archibald Bel-Goodie: Why?

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Thurston Hall Facts
Debuted on Broadway in 1904. After making a few intermittent appearances on stage, Hall became a full-time Broadway actor in 1917 and remained there until early 1935 before becoming a character actor in Hollywood in his mid-50's.

Best known role on TV was in the "Topper" (1953) series with Anne Jeffreys and Robert Sterling. He played Leo G. Carroll's bewildered, blustering boss.

He is buried in Forest Lawn Memorial Park.

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