Susan Cabot Overview:

Actress, Susan Cabot, was born Harriet Shapiro on Jul 9, 1927 in Boston, MA. Cabot died at the age of 59 on Dec 10, 1986 in Encino, CA .



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Susan Cabot Quotes:

Janice Starlin: Something's happening to me. I can't control it.

[After Reb's horse is shot, he hitches a ride on a stagecoach with a pretty, but aloof, passenger]
Reb Kittredge: I ran into a little trouble this morning. I had to leave my horse back up the trail.
Rita: If I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, I'd say you still had him with you.

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Susan Cabot Facts
In 1964, she gave birth to her son, Timothy, who suffered from dwarfism. He bludgeoned her to death while she slept with a weight-lifting bar in the bedroom of her Encino home. He was charged with involuntary manslaughter but cited years of mental and physical abuse by her as his defense. He received a three-year suspended sentence and was placed on probation for the crime.

In 1968, she married her second husband, actor Michael Roman, but the marriage broke up in the early 1980s, in part due to Cabot's increasing mental fragility and paranoia. Cabot had reportedly been taking a growth hormone prescribed for her son, possibly a factor in heightening her mental illness.

Attended high school in Manhattan, where she took an interest in dramatics and joined the school dramatic club.

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