Scott Wilson Overview:

Actor, Scott Wilson, was born on Mar 29, 1942 in Atlanta, GA. As of December 2023, Scott Wilson was 81 years old.



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Scott Wilson Quotes:

Dick: [to Perry] I'm SICK of it, maps, buried treasure, ALL OF IT! So ship it, burn it, get RID of that ton and a half of garbage! There AIN'T no buried treasure, and even if there WAS, boy, hell, you can't even swim!

Dick: Next move... Mexico. Once we beat it out of the country.
Perry: On what? $43 and a smile and bullshit.
[First use of the word 'bullshit' in a Hollywood film]
Dick: You guessed it, chief. It's the smile that does it. Like it says in the commercials, the family that sticks together lives forever.

[describing Chief Gillespie]
Harvey Oberst: Got no more smile than a turnip.

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