Ron Randell Overview:

Actor, Ron Randell, was born Ronald Egan Randell on Oct 8, 1918 in Sydney, Australia. Randell died at the age of 86 on Jun 11, 2005 in Los Angeles, CA .



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Ron Randell Quotes:

Lucius: [to Jesus, who is trying to visit John the Baptist in prison] For some reason, I favored Your mother once before. I will give You a moment with the prisoner John. But remember this... break Caesar's law, and you shall find in me the most merciless of men.

Herod: Lucius, order every first born male child put to the sword.
Lucius: I am a Roman soldier. I do not murder children.

Andrés: [about Carmen] Gypsies will always steal anything they can get their hands on. I don't know why I bother with that girl. She's bad all the way through. She lies as easily as other people drink water. She's a liar, a thief and a cheat. Has no more manners than my great aunt's cat. She's really awful. And I'd sell my soul to hear her say just once that she loves me.

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Ron Randell Facts
June 1957, Ron Randall marries Laya Raki in a civil ceremony in London. He's eleven years her senior, and is in his third marriage. In December, the Randells are having a honeymoon, and then they file for a license to be married in the Roman Catholic Church of the Good Shepherd, in Beverly Hills, which happen early January 1958.

His name was pronounced "Randall", rather than "Ran-DELL". "But," he said, "I answer to either."

He died on the same day as his Captive Women (1952) co-star Robert Clarke.

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